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  1. Hi buddy I have the same idea as yourself about fg icc into b series but know sh*t all about electronics lol so if you figure out the miracle then keep me in mind I'll pay you to do the conversion on my car. Cheers Chris
  2. Here you go everyone will get more pics in a couple of days I love it lol looks hot I will be getting bottom peice plastic underneath whole front bar to close it soon so its all black but so far so good. There will be a rear bar getting desinged but at the moment front is enough for me.
  3. Here you go everyone some more pics when the kit is finished I'll put morepics bit hard to get day light ones when you work lol but I ll upload more pics in the day light when I have final result.
  4. My car is looking awesome with this front end fg f6 cant wait to do the rest of car. This front bar changed the look of my ba so much it was unbelievable cant wait to see final result. Thanks to Phat Customs kits http://www.phatcustomkits.com.au/ (Ron is the man to speak to click contact us on his website) thanks to him for doing a great job I recommend people to him.
  5. I would like to do this conversion of angel eyes to my ba xr6 although 1. I dont know where to start and what kit to buy and 2. plus I prefer a professional or expert to take my xr lights apart as I m not that confident and dont want to bust(F***) up anything lol haahahahahha does anyone know of someone in Melbourne who can do this???
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