I think I see your problem good info there but the speedtouch 530 should be and have no password by default 1300ish kbit is good. the line speed should be 1536kbit, giving you a download speed of 1536kbit minus TCP/IP overheads correct on the speeds. when taking overheads into account the most you will see when downloading will be 150-160ish kilobytes/sec incorrect on the distance to exchange bit. 1536kbit is 1536kbit no matter how long the line is. not so right on the 1.3mbit sync either if your line is provisioned on a Telstra Wholesale port then it is capable of syncing at 1536kbit. if you are not getting this (check your modem config for this, not your download speed) then your ISP needs to log a fault on your behalf. http://mirror.exetel.com.au/pub/adobe/AdbeRdr810_en_US.exe download that and see what speed it gets. that file is hosted by your ISP and so has the least amount of things that can slow you down because its on the same network. using a single threaded download client like Internet Explorer may not see full speed. if your not getting 150ish kB/s try a download manager to split the files into multiple parts. I use Flashget. good luck with the 1.5mbit. will be a world of difference coming form 256kbit :D