get in a car, close the door, set the e-brake and put the key in the ignition. now, turn the key to on, but DO NOT start the engine. wait until seat belt warning light turns OFF (it takes about a minute). now, within 60 seconds you have to complete following procedure: buckle-unbuckle your seat belt 3 times, ending in unbuckled position. turn your headlights ON and OFF buckle-unbuckle your seat belt 3 times, ending in unbuckled position again. seat belt warning will be illuminated for 3 seconds. after warning light turns OFF, within 7 seconds buckle-unbuckle seat belt ONCE. warning light will now flash 4 TIMES for confirmation if procedure has been successful. and that's it! no more annoying chime. for enabling chime, just repeat the procedure. that will apparently disable the seatbelt chime in the FG. been meaning to try it but havent got around to it yet. as for why you would want it disabled, it is extremely annoying when driving between the shed in the gate (not even a long driveway) and around the parking area at work where I have to lean out to swipe ID tags or press buttons to open gates.