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Everything posted by dankman

  1. Happy Birthday dankman!

  2. What happened there anyway. I would have thought Betta electrical would have kept him after bathurst ← I was wondering this as well. With as little digging there seems to be a consensus that Betta Electrical went in to receivership just prior to going to Barhrain. I'm still looking to see what else I can find.
  3. Hey guys, I have a question about an infringement my mate received last week. The background: On a trip to Brisbane from Canberra last week I pulled in at the Maccas at Kempsy and let my mate with an ACT license drive. Unfortunately because he'd been sleeping for the while trip until then, he made a wrong turn and started to head back south. When I pointed that out to him he made a U-Turn at an intersection with traffic lights. Unfortunate for him as the only police car I'd seen in a few hours noticed and booked him $179 and 2 points. The police officer was good. He did the usual breath test and licence checks and was very friendly. When he told us what he was booking us for, Joffy (my mate) pointed out that he was certain that U-Turns were legal unless otherwise sign posted. I.E. you cant U-Turn where there is a "No U-Turn" sign. This intersection didn't have one and traffic was light at the time. The officer said he would make a call for us and see what the ACT rules were (seeing Joffy had an ACT license). After about 10 minutes he came back and said that the people he spoke to couldn't say for certain what the ACT law was but he suggested we write a letter to the NSW infringements department. The officer was very helpful but said since he'd already written the ticket it still stood unless the infringement office quashed it. He also had a giggle at my plates and asked what they meant. So all that I'm ok with, no complaints. The officer was professional and courteous. Now: Until this happened we were both of the same opinion, as are most of my family and peers, that unless specifically sign posted, you could perform u-turns at intersections. We've since looked up the RTA road rules and unfortunately we were in the wrong. The rule that applied in this case was Australian road rule #40. I've also spoken to the Federal Police and Urban services and found that the ACT also abides by the Australian Road rules book so a u-turn at an intersection with lights is illegal here as well unless there is a sign permitting a specific u-turn section. So, now knowing all this, what I'm asking is; is there anyway to word a letter to ask for this to be a warning instead of an immediate fine and points deduction? If any one could help me out it would be greatly appreciated. If any one has any experiences with this sort of thing your comments on your success would be appreciated as well. Thanks Chris
  4. dankman

    Did You Know

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quote Stewie from Family Guy: "So..... It's like throwing a sausage down a hallway?"
  5. I was actually looking to head home to wagga over the new year after 2 straight weeks of whift work. I finish on the 27th. But........ My boss may need to take his wife up to sydney in the next 3 days for emergency surgery and will put me on call if he goes which means I have to come back. If I'm back I'll be in.... will let you all know on the 29th.
  6. DAMPMAN?? I guess your right actually, I went from the dank beast across the road to zaphers in my overcoat and ended up white Great to see some of the lesser known to me. Heres to doing a round table next time if we can manage it I ended up going to the pub directly across the road from zaphers yesterday to see my boss at his farewell. Not a bad place O'neils was. Cook your own meat as well I'll be at the next one as well for sure.
  7. Could you book one extra for the comedy club tonight if we're all still going please? Chris.
  8. dankman


    Count me in of course depending on shift work though ..
  9. Nah, It's funny till somone gets hurt, then it's HILARIOUS!
  10. Sounds great although I'll have to be fashionably late, I don't finish work till 7pm. I'll be there closer to 7:30pm. Sidenote: I still dont get all the northside vs southside crap. Maybe Kingston is middle ground? :lol:
  11. The comedy nights at insomnia are pretty good. I wasnt aware they had stopped. Any night is good for me as long as I'm not on night shift though, it's pretty hard to duck out for 5 hours But the 10th I'm actually on day shift so as long as I'm not ot too late I should be fine to go to work on thursday morning at 5. So count me in!!!!
  12. All I can say guys is I was given a bum wrap by work. I was told that I should have approval this week to take the needed days off shift work to come along for the whole trip. I've now been told that 2 of the other guys I work with have been given approval and because one of the other guys left last week I now have to work 2 shift loads in a row to make up for missing man power Normally we can function with 3 people but with only 2 left it's impossible. I'm so pissed off I can't describe it. Have a good trip. I'm so sorry for the late notice.
  13. I'm just wondering if it could be partly right, no the detuning aspect, but more a safety aspect of the airbag. Surely if you dont have your seat belt on it would be set not to detonate as it's near impossible to tell what situation you would be in, ie half way out the door or in some obscure position garanteed to kill you if the air bag went off? Just my speculative brain at work at 4 in the morning But seriously, could anyone research this and let the rest of this?
  14. The Yank (hehehehehe that cracks me up) AHEM, the Canadian is currently in the homeland with my sister meeting familyt and co of his up there. Apparently the wedding will be in September or October of this year if they dont kill each other first So my guess is he'll be staying put in Wagga for this one, I know he loved it last year though. Yeah mother, I think it would but he recons he can stand it else he can sit in the back of the dank beast
  15. That would be about as fun as going to KMart and going to the change rooms to try on some clothes. Stay there for a long while then scream out in horror "THERES NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!" What would be even better is if you could get a pic of the face of the person hiring the pr0n when said National Geo scenes come up :lol:
  16. Seeing that a lots of people love to argue about odd things they know nothing about on the internet, I thought I'd post this link from Something Awful. How to win ANY argument on the Internet PS. this really doesnt apply to here specifically, nor is it aimed at any one, just the internet in general. And it's a frigging funny link. *giggle* EDIT: Ahhh I love working for 24 hour support, catch up on the internet whilst it's quiet, which is almost all the time
  17. OK I so desperately want to go to this, my new job is still non commital about weither or not they can release me. Anyways, If I do come along I have two people who'd love to come along. One as a passenger with me, and the other will have his shiney new bike and license by then, do you think it would be ok for a motor bike to come along for the drive with the rest of us?
  18. I'm new to the fluctuations in fuel prices. Back I Wagga I thought I was hard done by paying 118.7 cpl for optimax. Occasionally the price would go down by a cent and occasionally back up a cent. Usually once every 3 or so weeks. What I was shocked at was that a few days ago I saw Optimax going for 109.5 at one of the outer suburbs. I went into Dixon last night and was mortified that iit was 121.9 cpl. Do any Canberrans know the rough time table for best times to buy fuel here in Canberra? I really cant understand how the hell prices can fluctuate so wildly so quickly here. I thought that sort of mentality was a Sydney thing. Apparently I'm wrong. Thanks Guys, ChrisP
  19. Mother, Can I make a quick request, is it possible that we all head to the Drag Strip along the main highway back to Davenport for a fun (read not serious at all) set of Drags? I still hgavent had the chance to go to a drag meet as yet and would love to try it out on a crisp tassie evening
  20. FINALLY! Everything has fallen into place. The move was completed with only one item partially destroyed by the removalists, fortunately it will be easy to fix. New house is huge and I can actually say to the girls that asked me if I wanted to move in, "So you come with the house too? Sweet!" Still a fair amount of unpacking to do but will be excelent once that chore has been taken care of on the weekend. New work environment is a lot more relaxed than my old one. Starting to remember names and faces, and settling in to the role with relative ease. Other than that getting my bearings has been prety simple, just gotta stop being over zealous in peak hour traffic and taking a turn too early. It's lead to a few very long trips to work when I end up heading in the complete wrong direction and have a bas*ard of a time backtracking. Unfortunately my use of the intahweb will be fairly limited during work hours being a sh*tkicker rather than my own boss of my own department (ahhh lack of absolute responsibility), but I'll still be milling about here from time to time, just have to wait 3 weeks for phone and iinet to be connected at home now, and a bit of cash to come about so I can scream around the open road again.
  21. How about now? ........ ......... Is now good?
  22. Theres a few stories on the net about the whole of Las Veagas not being able to open their cars and it was proven to be something that the military were doing. I'm not sure if it's the same here but in the good ol US of A the key's work on some military frequency and if it's used for it's intended purpose it has the effect of Jamming. Las Vegas of course is close to the infamous Area 51 I think? Added to that.... Were you near a transmission tower? They have a big influence on weither the keys work or not. If you have a look at many TV towers or even Telstra tower they have huge signs about what to do if your keys dont work.
  23. Woot. More than likely will be moving this weekend instead of next now. Who's scared?
  24. Sounds more like wastegate flutter? that's normal. I love it.
  25. Excelent and very well planned out Mother. One thing though, we might have a bit of trouble with day 12 and 13 after.... you know :lol: Once I've confirmed how the move to canberra is and make sure I can book holidays ahead at my new job, I'm in for sure EDIT: I love those links too. Awesome!
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