Setting up an actuator/bracket/angle can be tedious especially with bigger sized port & flaps so if you’ve got a flap that’s catching 9 times out of 10 it might not necessarily be the actual flap or port edge but the way the actuator arm is pushing/pulling in motion and as you can see from your top picture the arm of the flapper is right hand down, left hand up in regards to tension.
This can lead to excessive flapper arm boar wear and cause “Wiggles” in the arm activation.
If you play with housing rotation, bracket location, actuator can seating you can work a way for the flapper arm to be less pulled/pushed off kilter and operate on a inset outset method which conducts less angled pressure to flapper arm.
Failing that and assuming the arm boar has excess wear now you might need to take a bevel edge approach to the port OD