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About avoturbo

  • Birthday 30/11/1964

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  1. Happy Birthday avoturbo!

  2. Happy Birthday avoturbo!

  3. Happy Birthday avoturbo!

  4. Happy Birthday avoturbo!

  5. Happy Birthday avoturbo!

  6. I had a Malamute they are awesome dogs, very good with and very protective of children, no good as a guard dog however as they don't recognise boundaries. You do need to make sure you are the Alpha Make or Female in the pack or you will likely have issues. Lots of exercise and lots of brushing but a truly awesome dog!
  7. Umm.. I've tuned my FG (dyno chart here http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=50421 ) and we put bigger injectors in it last week. :-) We've also prototyped an upgrade cooler which will go on next week (I hope!).
  8. Hi Senna, My HTC Diamond sends the name to my Bluetooth Satnav hands free when connected but in the FG I only get numbers and not names for incoming calls so I assume the Diamond isn't fully supported? You don't happen to have the roadmap for updates by any chance? Slightly OT I know but do you know if the iPOD interface will ever get fast scrolling? It's kind of a pain trying to scroll thru to find stuff in it's present form..
  9. In that situation it could be overrun fuel cut, sometimes that can cause this issue at very small throttle openings, also sitting on or around the injector on/off point for overrun can do it. But my FG only does it when it's cold, so I'm betting on the closed loop fuelling coming in too early when the engine is cold.
  10. Mine surges when cold but isn't so bad if you change it up a gear so it's under more load. Once it's warmed up it's fine. I figure it's the closed loop fuelling and haven't stressed about it too much but will suss it out once I get around to fitting my wideband.
  11. Apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere but once we're logged on do we really need to see the big 'Why should you join us?' banner?
  12. My 160GB classicworks okay in the FG, BUT you do have to have it playing a song when you plug it into the connector otherwise, zilch...
  13. HAve the iPOD actually playing a song before you plug it into the connector, this seems to work for me..
  14. Which A/F gauge setup are you using as if you're piggybacking off the factory narrow band it won't be accurate under load/boost.
  15. With my range down to 40-50kms I can get 50+ litres in no worries....
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