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  1. Yeah +1 here too for the rotors. Got a very straight '85 S3 RX7 in my garage. Used to have RX 2's and 4's in my younger days.
  2. Just got my new MK2 Turbo yesterday after almost 4 years with my previous FG T. Wife choose Edge as the colour and in NZ they come standard with 19" wheels so looks pretty smart. So far only done 100km so too early for any real comparison. However noticeably quieter than my previous car so theyve obviously changed the exhaust somewhat. Throttle response also seems to have been changed ( or at least quite different to the old car). Might need to have a good thrash in the weekend
  3. Mine was a June 08 build so one of the early ones. Only issues experienced were intermittent iPod connectivity issues, fuel gauge needed to be recalibrated and outside temp sensor went haywire. Otherwise very happy with it for almost 4 years. Traded it yesterday for a FG Mk11 Turbo.
  4. Anyone know when the FG2 will be available. I got one of the early FG XR6 Turbos and my lease is up in July. So I have to work out whether I go for another FG XR6T for 3 more years or extend the lease and wait for the new facelift. I'm in NZ so we typically have to wait 1-2 months after Aussie launch.
  5. Dealer upgraded the software in mine about 3 weeks ago. since then ipod (classic) has not missed a beat - previously it was freezing and locking up quite a bit. - seems to be a common problem - I'd get them to give yours an upgrade.
  6. 80gb classic works fine - especially since the dealer upgraded the software - before that I was getting the occasional "freeze". Playlists, Tracks, artists & albums display. Just make sure ICC setting for "full ID3 information" is "on" otherwise you only get the track name appearing on the ICC
  7. Problem a dumb question - but have you checked the setting on your actual ipod - unplug it, you'll probably find it's set to "repeat - one". I've got a Classic and I find that the settings on the actual ipod seem to overwrite the ICC so that each time you turn the car on, the ipod settings become the default - same seem to work with "shuffle" (random). - had me confused for a little while too.
  8. 5000 km so far and 12.3l/100 km average - much better than my old BA - and I've been driving it harder as well. Got to say I'm pretty impressed
  9. I took Phantmxr6's advice and ran the tank down past empty using the litres used readout. managed to get to 62 litres before I chickened out and refilled it. (it was showing empty and 0km range at 45 litres used) Anyway the dealer had the car again week - fitted a new fuel sensor. Seems to have helped the calibration. Have just filled up for the first time since the new sensor was fitted - I'd say its fixed the problem mostly - I'll see how the next few tankfulls work out.
  10. Got my dealer to give mine a software update. Haven't had the ipod freeze on me for a week now. previously was happening at least once or twice per week and it seems to hold its charge better as well.
  11. 4000 km done - average 12.6 l / 100km so far. mix of town and open road driving. Pretty happy with it so far - easily better than my old BA by a couple of litres I'd say.
  12. I've found mine takes between 3 - 5 secs to connect to the phone when a call comes in and for the music to mute. Seems to work 90% of the time. Found sometimes on outgoing calls that the bluetooth doesn't connect at all. - has only happened a few times though Ipod integration is fantastic - who needs CD's any more.
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