Gain a couple of rwkw??? Should speak for sure as it would do the opposite. I have seen XT's, XR6's, Futura's, etc, come with LPG from factory ford but no Turbo cars. They are not designed for it and will not do any good. I see everything in order: Diesel: Yes its sky high but u get more kms and longer lasting for the car and its all been done with new cars today. Petrol: Gone up and predicted to rise but its PETROL, quoting the above response, everything relys on petrol from what octance you use, kws, performance and every car today is built for it, etc... LPG: Cheap as Chips, nah not really, and everything seems to rise as one follows. ----> ELECTRIC CAR(TOYOTA): Should it be the Hybrid Car??? I believe so. cos this is the next generation of our future cars. It will leave the diesel, pertol and LPG behind. Lots to say but wanna keep it short, According to conducted search, experiments, They have made and built electric cars faster than cars at present (YES, INCLUDES FERRARI'S). So I'll leave the rest for you guys to think about??? I just dont believe its the smartest idea of all. But good luck with whoever decides to go ahead with. If petrol was at $3.00ltr, it still wont stop me from anything. Love my Fords and with it all the way!