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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. dil.do gear knob? I think you sit on it and spin..... counter clockwise. thread size? oh this thread has the potential to get big...
  2. life of pi- visually spectacular, not corny, great in 3D.
  3. what are these please?
  4. I have increased to 50kg now (dont laugh). that's working me hard- 9,7,7,6,6,5. (last 2+ 2 drops) what is the best exercise to do to work pecs? I want to focus on them mainly, as my arms look biggish anyways.
  5. there is already a thread on this... http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/59876-pics-of-engine-bays/page-10?hl=%2Bpics+%2Bof+%2Bengine+%2Bbays#entry1271972 mods please merge.
  6. yeah I dont think its possible to say for sure. there a pics around of WHEEL SPOKES snapping on a circuit car, so studs or bearings or any other part have the potential to break too, but that's motor racing I guess. best thing to do is get high tensile studs and hope for the best.
  7. your a funny bugger, I'll give you that...
  8. I like 3 meat and vag...
  9. yep I worked that one out too... just hit 'preview post' before hitting 'post'
  10. he steve, just going through this thread and reading the earlier posts. just wanted to say that a couple of years on I hope you and your family are doing ok and coping through. all the best.
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