I have increased to 50kg now (dont laugh). that's working me hard- 9,7,7,6,6,5. (last 2+ 2 drops) what is the best exercise to do to work pecs? I want to focus on them mainly, as my arms look biggish anyways.
there is already a thread on this... http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/59876-pics-of-engine-bays/page-10?hl=%2Bpics+%2Bof+%2Bengine+%2Bbays#entry1271972 mods please merge.
yeah I dont think its possible to say for sure. there a pics around of WHEEL SPOKES snapping on a circuit car, so studs or bearings or any other part have the potential to break too, but that's motor racing I guess. best thing to do is get high tensile studs and hope for the best.
he steve, just going through this thread and reading the earlier posts. just wanted to say that a couple of years on I hope you and your family are doing ok and coping through. all the best.