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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. *break- to destroy something or to have a short stop-work. *brake- a device that slows the momentum of a car safely.
  2. got home after 7 nights camping down the limestone coast... always good to get home...
  3. a daytime picture would help with that...
  4. mate best of luck, but I dont realistically think this will ever come about.. the amount of work/ time/ money/ support you would need to make this happen is not something someone could do part time. then if you did manage to tick all the boxes, half the guys that committed would somehow be 'busy that weekend' and not show up. im sorry this is a negative comment, but in 2 years this thread will have cobwebs all over it. good on you for having the desire and drive to do something pro active for the community, and god I hope im proved wrong. best of luck.
  5. ive got 1 rotor from my old sigma, and 1 spare from my cbr1000. the sigma disc isnt slotted but I used one of those diamond coated drill bits off the telly to make them drilled... thing is the drill bit burned afted 12 holes so its 'semi' slotted. could I use them on my ba? thing is I want to keep the stock stuff on the passenger side of the car and install the aftermarket stuff on the drivers side, as I like drifting (im better doing it to the right) and dont have a good hand brake, and this way if I slam on the brakes the car will naturally start to slide that way. if anyone is interested in seeing my style, I have some vids on yootube. look up 'full hectic driving skillz'. also let me know if you like my custom plates (iwas gonna take em off but couldnt find a screw driver quickly and my mates were waiting with the video). cheers
  6. ford power is underrated... holdens is BS rated...
  7. im a big fan of the bendix ultimates...
  8. how is that gonna help anyone? 'I busted you up when I hit you with the front bumper, lights, grill and bonnet- now have a comfy relax where you landed while I call an ambulance...'
  9. my wisdom teeth are moving around again..... happens every 6 months or so... did not have a good night...
  10. I run 10's easy... in fact I can walk them------ 10 minutes....
  11. I had a mate who ran a 9... all factory except 2 turbos and they were bigger than stock and it was a jet engine and it was a bike....
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