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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. id be happy with 9 for the front- dont need 9.5. only do some spiritted hills driving, not track work. wheres henz and worm ffs?
  2. cheers aaron- good info on the inner clearance, and on the hiro offset- should be able to work it out from there.
  3. yet another offset question, but I cbf trolling through all the keyboard warrior answers to previous ones... I currently have axis hiro's- 19 x 8.5 front +35 (with a 15mm spacer)- sits nice 19 x 9.5 rear (not sure offest- whatevet tempe threw at me) with a 12mm spacer and pumped gaurds- once again sits nice... I want to get at least 9's on the front, and 10's on the back whats gonna fit? go. p.s I didnt ask what you think about the rest of the car so shut up- you can flame me in my other threads
  4. closest place with e85 is 40mins away, so I stock up....
  5. same as mine in pic above, but polished rim and graphite centre.
  6. yes...... 1 handed cause feeding..... my..... son......
  7. not in sa. its written in the code. im thinking about getting an increase in track engineered then hopefullymy car will be 100% legal. that's what im aiming for.
  8. more piccies please, and mud flaps have to go...
  9. might watch 'human centipede' tonight but it is widely regarded as being a movie 'difficult to watch' due to disturbing concepts...
  10. also wathched 'pan's labyrinth' as it got great reviews as a fantasy movie, but was a bit too weird for me.
  11. watched sunshine during the night as I couldnt sleep. started off pretty promising but (spoiler alert) the quasi-god at the end just got stoopid...
  12. with poke like those pics its a matter of when, not if, youll be defected... I would not go beyond flush. that satisfies the 'not extending beyond the guard, viewed from above' rule, but not the track increase limits rule
  13. I didnt know bf's came in the xr50 model..... 9.5" +35 is a wank fitment.... I have 13mm spacers with those.....
  14. I wnt from 341rwkw to 365 with just a change to 50/50 98 ron and e85. couldnt use full e85 cause 60lb dekka's were getting too close to max duty cycle... still a whopping gain from just a fuel change. I use united too.
  15. I also heard theres a possibility of a slight gfc one day, but keep it under your hat...
  16. cant get any more bogan than this...
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