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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. well picked phoon. still looks good though and 90% of people on the road wouldnt know the difference between a ba and bf- let alone bf's were the only r spec f6's. still better than chev badges....
  2. 20's are fine unless you want to get 10th's off your 1/4 mile time. if you keep the overall rolling diameter the same or very close to the original then no legality issues. larger rims look better- even if they are a bit heavier who cares?
  3. I did the whole drill the back plate when I put longer hi tensile studs in for my spacers...
  4. run a separate earth (thick) straight from the battery and alternator to the body. even if it doesnt fix this particular problem is a good thing.
  5. this guys got the right technique I reckon...
  6. this should be his dinner tomoz...
  7. these people have never heard of the 'less is more' theory.
  8. lol that was my first attempt @ panda eysing the car- then had a bit of a bingle and went for aftermarket fg f6 front. gonna be flamed but hey- read the description above my avatar.... was never one to follow the crowd to please everyone... grampa spec touring.... lurve the caravan had one for years. great fun camping with the fam... heading off in 2 weeks to flinders ranges in fact for some r & r... yeah I have spacers as ive mentioned plenty of times recently, but dont want them any more. matter's not atm as the car is not registered and prol wont be for at least 6 months till I get my lazy ass butt into gear and finish the build. ill prol end up with magics, but really want monaco's or even better tsw mirrabeau- but they are pricey. just want offset right with rim only then gonna try get track increase engineered... going 19's- 9" front and 10" rear. mirabeau's:
  9. well stock cams can support 500rwkw+ so not sure why anyone would bother? not trying to be funny but genuinely interested to know.
  10. but make them sound good. I remember in the good (bad?) ol days running my carb reeeeal rich so it would miss and splutter to sound cammed. was slo as hell anyways so didnt matter. lol
  11. tempe tyres- but they are not genuine hiro's I dont believe.... or at least they dont have 'axis' embossed in one spoke any more...
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