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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. this is very cool... in a boring everyday sort of way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Snph22qSUMU
  2. not always that easy though... I will be looking at replacing the stoopid btr when it dies, c4 is prol a goer but if I wanted to go zf theres no way id be able to replace the whole car- with prol close to 250 hours put into the strip/ rebuild/ mod/ customization of the car it is simply not an option- however if it was a n/a that WOULD be the deal breaker.....
  3. this however is not. it is epic. if you want to skip ahead go to about 5:35 to hear the song. enjoy. your welcome. peace out.
  4. now this would definitely be a deal breaker.....
  5. chrome/ shadow chrome is a bit old hat now- still look ok imo but not too much wow factor any more. black is popular atm but id think about white on such a dark car. or orange is sexy as...
  6. interesting that the boys at bridge auto spark are good to deal with- ill have to keep that in mind- having said that if they could stop putting annoying as ads on the radio id be happy...... so annoying...
  7. those jps capris are sexier than half the women on here....
  8. mate learn this early on - the cheapest way is the dearest way. rarely is that not the case...
  9. im running 365rwkw on my built stalled btr and its ok at the moment. get a good trans cooler- bigger the better, with a thermo fan if poss. I blew up 2 so far. 1 stock and one built (second hand). this one has au planetaries and a couple secret tricks apparently. will def go c4 next time being as its now a sunday car and doesnt have to be practical.
  10. dont think too many on here would have tried and prol wont know. try emailing darren at ftg salvage and he should be able to sort you out.
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