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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. a ba or fg does not look like an xb hardtop built from other wrecked cars...
  2. gs was an xr8 with the s/c miami. that is all.
  3. this just leaked!!! a photo of sasha grey with clothes on...
  4. cant agree- just leave stripes to the cars that have them standard from the factory- gs/ gt etc.
  5. friends of ours had a prem- got a pic of the dads wedding ring on the baby's wrist. takes a few years to catch up but hes 19 now and good as gold...
  6. I seen all the pics. meh. uptons boobs are a better shape with a 'kini on....
  7. they will look small- but 19's look small on an fg. what will save it is having decent offsets. go flush or even better- poke, and they would look good.
  8. they would be plug and play- no cutting/ shutting I would expect. the bumper would likely need to come off.
  9. with all the recent talk of tyres- im gonna run semi slicks. it will never drive in the rain again so why not...
  10. did some more on my stereo build. maybe one day ill put it back on the road....
  11. agreed- we had the guy who died's funeral on saturday...
  12. meh. nothing exciting about the fh.
  13. mate they are worth whatever you think they are worth- its pretty pointless asking us.
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