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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. got my t from melb about a month ago- stock as.... took it to bruce heinrich for flash and 252rwkw. since then have put on rapid cooler, and chasin some dekas, then cat and tune for (hopefully) 300....
  2. if any one else has this problem, try going to sturt depot (near cop shop). only on certain days or its regency. I had to go and tint was too dark as well, but fella there said "up to you what you do about it, but if cops pull you over- dont argue". took 20 mins and I was outa there!
  3. thanks for reply how much for a set of 6? im assuming the 'flow matching' isnt a modification, rather finding all injectors out of the batch that flow the same and making a set from them.
  4. hi guys, after some deka's. wheres the best place to buy them? rap1d's out of em atm....
  5. cant be as bad as baby puke...... I mean, umm, acid rush
  6. well done. do you live in sheidow park? I saw you drive by today- I have the house opposite the school with the for sale sign out of it. my mate thought your car sounded phat as you drove by ..... catcha round maybe? my car is goin into heinrichs next week. he sure knows his stuff. congrats on makin into the 300+ club. hopefully ill join you soon. 252rwkw so far.....
  7. no lowering. its got lowest legal pedders on back- that's it. ive been defected on a previous car for size rims and ride height, so not going to risk it again- otherwise id have 22's on the back! have had 20's engineered for my ef though.
  8. heres my 04 mk 11. bought it 4 weeks ago, stock as a rock. leather, roof, premo sound. now 20's, red walls, flashed, custom tuned, plates and as of today- rapid cooler. next week big cat, injectors and tune. what do you think?
  9. hers my 04 mk 11. bought it 4 weeks ago, stock as a rock. leather, roof, premo sound. now 20's, red walls, flashed, custom tuned, and as of today- rapid cooler next week big cat, injectors and tune what do you think?
  10. well its all done :angel: took it for a easy cruise, then took revs, boost etc a bit higher. seemed fine ecxept for 2 hoses blew off (on separate runs). popped them back on and retightened the clamps (they were tight... now theyre really tight). it all runs well, was custom tuned previously, so now off to the tuner for a new cat, big injectors and a retune. hopefully ill be joining the 300 club real soon.
  11. hey guys, just fitting a rapid cooler on my ba. when its finished I assume I need to idle down to my tuner and get the flash remapped. just read another thread on here where someone fitted a big cooler and then took it for a flogging! isnt this dangerous, cause it would likely be running lean and stuff valves??? I assumed I needed to keep it REALLY low on revs till fuel maps are sorted. although it would be tempting to see what difference it makes!
  12. im not sure, in think its some sort of epoxy coating? it is not wet to touch. looks wet but is dry. cant rub it off. it went over the red stripe.
  13. hi guys just had some red walls put on my 20's today. daryl from whitewalls sa did it. came to where I was, showed me some photos so I could choose size, style etc, then did the job. took 1 hour 20 mins, no fuss, just got on with it. was $90. good value. THEN when I was asking about tyre shine, he said dont put any on. bugga...... I like shiny tyres. oh well at least he put some on after the red was applied.!?. turns out that the shiny, clean black coating on there now is PERMANENT. always shiny, always black- even when dirty. just wash with soap and water and your done. now I reckon that's top value..... even without the red put on I reckon it would be worth it. well done daryl. I recommend this to anyone. pics soon....
  14. how bout a vid for us all to enjoy?
  15. so how was this cruise guys? I couldnt make it, but will be interested in the next one!!! and you had pretty good 'race air' too! scott
  16. just read all 13 pages, am definately gonna do this tomoro!!!
  17. that's how he usually does them apparently.... and hes guessing 290- 300. hope hes right or ill get some deka's.
  18. ummm.... drilled stockies I think!
  19. id be happy with the power you are gettin
  20. the cat IS being done. tuner is Bruce Heinrich in lonsdale south of adelaide. has just set another track record at malalla (albeit in a commonwhore) and won saloon championship 2 years running so I reckon he knows how to set up a car.
  21. what the heck im in- 297rwkw. would a 12 psi actuator help power?
  22. my tuner reckons they will suit any power needs from now on, rather than getting some now, then some different later when I want more power?
  23. not sure which forum this should go in? these guys are nuts. and that's just the ipod playlist!
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