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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. this on on my 'I want list'. just below a smack in the face with a 2 by 4....
  2. I got achilles as I didnt wanna spend a heap and dont do anyt track work. $255.00 ea and they grip surprisingly well. fanged through the hills yesterday and they wouldnt let go. it was 43 degrees though.....
  3. if you are in adelaide then EXXAR 6 is still available. but I decided on TORQU3. both these only cost $170. one off payment....
  4. ive always liked bigger on the rear. had 20's and 19's on my ef...
  5. I did this on my ef. put the headlight under the hood of my barby (on a peice of wood, so the contact wouldnt melt anything) and heated up GENTLY until the goo was soft enough to pull apart. bingo. then polished the lumps and bumps on the inside until it was flat and clear, bought a pair of projector headlights from a honda to whack behind. reassemble- viola!!! easy as.... was thinking about doing it on the ba to add 'angel eyes' or led's- ala audi... (insert boner here)
  6. you wouldnt be saying that if you had a big number dyno sheet!
  7. 1983 gj sigma. put a fresh 2.6l. man that thing flew (for the time). I cut the springs to make it b e l l y s c r a p I n g . had a cool stereo (latest technology TAPE player, the one that would stop fast forwarding automatically at the next song!!!), with spine melting bass from the kenwood 6 x 9's. no front speakers were the bomb... that was a cool car to cruise in..... at the time anyway.
  8. I reckon under her fingernails wont look that good.....
  9. why? mine was measured in 8f. whats the difference?
  10. hi guys, wanna replace the stock tip on my ba xr6t. what do you reckon would look good? I like the quads but dont have a twin exiting zorst. dont wanna spend the money on a complete zorst atm as the car is making over 300rwkw so arent looking for more power (plus ill just raise the boost if I do wanna). I was thinkin for somethin different to go for a dump pipe. big. 4" or so. could you guys post some picks of yours so I can get some ideas?
  11. "whatch the rear deck lid"??? ha ha if that is the highlight of driving this then :tosser:
  12. name- scott age- 36 car- 2004 mk II xr6t- lightning strike location- sheidow park adelaide job- own bathroom renovation business- tiler
  13. which lane were you in and what was the other car?
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