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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. nah I was at 303.7 rwkw. it also comes on lower eg: was 170rwkw @ 80kmph in 3rd, now 185. and it just gets better from there... this time we didnt care about numbers, I just said bring on the power from as low as poss- good for the traffic light drags when puulin up next to a haicth ess vee.
  2. keep an eye on this one maybe? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Plazmaman-XR6-Turbo...A1%7C240%3A1318
  3. its a bit small for any decent power consistantly. if it was me I would wait till a good second hand rapid, process west, or plazmaman cooler comes up in fs section. might be couple hunskys more, but well worth it.
  4. easy as. I got 242rwkw with $1000.00 with 95. flash and good tune should get you that. if your tuner can still use xcal1 or 2. a bit more if have to use new version of edit. injectors would be required for anything above that.
  5. sheidow park, but im about to move to nairne. plenty of 'race air' up there!!!
  6. those 'motorvational' posters are funny- keep em coming!
  7. yeah that's what I meant. its not some 'close' fabric that looks crap. but the real deal.
  8. maybe my game is too intelectual for you B O G A N S
  9. nah wasnt keen. as I said before, he doesnt mind doin what we ask him, but makes it clear that it is OUR RESPONSIBILIY. so dont go back if a rod decides to go a different direction to you. I dont have a high stall. wish I did! when I get some e85 in am gonna go back to see if I can talk him into going to 16..... I'd realy like more. surprise, surprise.
  10. how about a baulderdash type game? guess what the real meaning of this word is: verdure 1. angle of bridge span 2. a bone in the body of a snake 3. exceptional confidence 4.Lush growth of vegetation
  11. right you are bosco. I phoned them when I was looking for my t, but got one with it already in. the user manual is a holandia one. they are who I would go for if I was lookin to add one. they use factory headlining. would be exactly what ford send the cars out the door with. mine leaks but. any idea who might service them in sa?
  12. yep- good beaches, gotta love it. where do you live?
  13. yep and as soon as I get hold of a dump, will do again..... http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=54250
  14. not bad. should be a good cruise eh?
  15. bugga.... well hope its back on the road and we see ya on the cruise!
  16. what have you got and what happened to it?
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