a flash tuner and a good custom tune will get you very close to 250 at the wheels. $1200 should do it. economy wont change no matter what size injectors you put in- the difference is the 'safety margin' as mentioned above. your stockies might be at 80% duty cycle at 250rwkw, whereas if you put in deka's or similar, they would prol only be at 50%. if you are happy with 250 at the wheels, then keep your stockies, but id bet my right one that after a bit more power you will get hungry and want more. a decent injector will support over 400rwkw, so if you do it now, at least you wont have to worry about it again. the next mod I would reccomend is walbro in tank fuel pump. a direct replacement. just make sure you keep at least 1/4 tank of fuel with 250rwkw, or you might get fuel starve under hard acceleration. next would be valve springs. atomic, nismo- it doesnt matter which ones, but an upgrade will be beneficial for reliability. iwent for typhoon springs- $250 or so from ford. happy power hunting!