yeah its hard to think of selling a car youve spent money on. at the end of the day though, in reality, what ever money we spend on cars should pretty much be considered unretreivable. ask a guy who spends 50k on mods to his brand spankin gt and then has to let it go for less. if you keep an eye on the cars for sale thread- there are plenty of sweet modded cars that can hardly be given away. there was one recently that had all the good bits on, 320rwkw, starting price was $22,500 and kept getting dropped till $18,500. who knows what it eventually sold for. whats your na gonna be worth after youve finished? theres one on ebay atm that cant get 13k. if you wanna go fast, and do it as economical as possible, enjoy your ride as it is until your off your p's then buy a turbo. it will cost ALOT less in the long run.