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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. 2nd post- directly after the opening post by topic author.
  2. sometimes that's the only way to get a decent response
  3. im a donating member but still see the advertisement!?
  4. bike psssst... imagine a postie bike blowing off up the road
  5. so dont rev over 5k. with the torque these thing make, you dont need to- try this: do a wot run in drive. then do a rolling start in 2nd from 40. then a rolling start in 3rd from 70. enjoy the pulling power! youll get the idea...
  6. off wastegate- exiting 6 inches from turbo instead of way out the back of exhaust tip.... scaring any small animals and grandmas within a 100m radius
  7. sorry, my bad- that's a screamer pipe.
  8. 4k at least guys. the rods likely will let go after 350rwkw+. I reckon im on borrowed time... if you wait for it to go bang, factor in another grand for a second hand block... with some decent rods and a good build, you can expect it to safely handle 450rwkw.
  9. dose is the loud high pitched flutter you get when you add a short legnth pipe from the wastegate. check out 'vl dose' on you tube, youll get the picture pretty quick..
  10. wog coolers- every boy racers dream wheels look sweet. are they verde madonna's?
  11. Panda Eyes


    it can take a few weeks to totally dissipate from the body. the deppression thing is a toughy though. ive suffered from depression for years, and am on a mild antidepressant to try to even out the ups and downs a bit. I would recommend going straight to the doctor and talking about it. even if its only temporary, dont suffer without doing something about it. its no fun for your family, and its no fun for you. dont view it as a 'weakness' either, that's a common one.... if you had a broken arm, youd get it sorted, and depression is as real an ailment as a broken arm..... one of the best reliefs for when your down is acknowledging that it is only TEMPORARY and you WILL feel better. chin up dude
  12. If you were refering to our boy Adam, he got 31 year's, eligeable for parole in 26. what the hell for?
  13. that's the beauty of the later model t's- already have good rods and valve springs. not like us ba boyz....
  14. could you throw up a list dude so we know whos in line for one? cheers
  15. your valve springs cant cope mister..... a trip to ford to grab some f6 ones would fix that- $250ish iirc? labour is a bit more though....
  16. dont apologise dude, that's what a forum is for- so you can give your opinion and not have to be flamed for it. now, about putting that cannon exhaust on my t.....
  17. im in- booyeh!!! oh yeah- what do you mean by 'if you have 2 original keys'-how is that done?
  18. hey dude, put a pw surge on with bosch 044. sweet as, but still stock btr :( scotty kept popping his head in and yelling "BANG" while bruce was workin it on the dyno. oh well, at least bruce has a few spare blocks there atm for when it pops. what happened with yours limo dude?
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