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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. nah it doesnt have 20's like the one on the dyno...
  2. the ways youve had suggested are the only ones. dont cut though, terribly dangerous and illegal. why do you still need more info? I believe that au sssl will golower though. if you want the top of a 20 tucked in, prepare for a defect. its innevitable....
  3. I heard that prince of persia was good, but it was off screen by the time I had chance to take young'n.....
  4. awesome. what boost can that 'charger run?
  5. could be your head hiting the back window...
  6. nah it'll make 300+ in a bf.
  7. go for it, im going flash 3 in a week or 2. like everyone else I'll just have to bend over and when I need a new tune shortly...
  8. hub spacers cannot be engineered in south australia. I had 20's engineered for my ef falcon, but they would not touch spacers...
  9. maybe he just couldnt decide what colour he wanted, so decided on all of them.
  10. how can I be the plug and the hole at the same time? just not sure how to choose which one I want to be
  11. how much you want for the flash 2, blooooostyyyy?
  12. nah you can get some good deals when the big places are trying to clear some stock. it is cheap for 18's though. the tyres will be average. prol nankang or cheap kuhmo's. likely to be noisy as.... I reckon anything smaller than 19's is too small for the big body ba's. im thinking of going down to 19's, cause 'hiro's' only come in 19...
  13. ha ha better go get some springs 2 inches longer than... oh and I reckon keep the spoiler unless you get an f6 lower body kit, or they look too much like an xt...
  14. I dont have a big plenum. but I told my tuner I want 400rwkw with the standard one, just to see what reaction I would get. he squirmed a bit, but didnt say he couldnt do it. when I got my latest tune done on the dyno, the other guys pooped their head in and yelled out 'Bang' during the business end of the run... im prepared to fork out for the new motor if this one pops, but I'd like to see what this one will handle just for s&its n giggles
  15. yeah ba mk11. walbro, bosch, surge, ethanol, a great tuner. im running 17 now, and arent too keen on losing a bit of rw power with the hi stall sucking some. 19- 20 psi's a goer I reckon. if I blow it up, so be it. then I have an excuse to put an fg 310 motor in. hey, if I ask my wife for permission to spend 6k on a new motor while im holding a piece of a rod in my hand, the answer is more likely to be yes. no one here is fooling me into doing it, dills. I know the risks. my tuner has said 'I wouldnt but its up to you' ever since going over 14psi. my goal is 400rwkw with a new donk, so I'll have to get one sooner or later anyway. when its capable of low 11's, I'll stop planning more power...
  16. I had kuhmos on my ba ghia, and they were noisy as at low speed. the nankang ns2's are quiet as in the 19's on my ef though. what is the offset of the back wheels. black dish FTW though.....
  17. I got a race style jack from ebay. was from a place in adelaide, and I can hardly lift it, so wouldnt recomend delivery interstate. has twin pumps, extra long handle and only 6 full pumps to full height, which is 500mm. it will lower to 75mm.
  18. im thinking of upping my boost to 19psi when I have my built btr and hi stall installed. who is successfully running high boost?
  19. der..... scrap that, I didnt read your sig
  20. nice work mate. bet it feels awesome eh?
  21. dont worry about fuel costs if you want more power. they run more fuel efficient with decent mods and 300rwkw than stock with 200.....
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