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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. great effort possum, jimmy and ben! 330rwkw with tight 3000rpm stall. wish I knew but no drag strip in sa....
  2. theres also one called M power. done by bmw that does g's and accel etc. tis free too!
  3. +1. alan couldnt be helpful enough when I went there...
  4. for sure I want to go in urs to compare.... I need a good cruise anyways to give the unicorn a showing...
  5. my hunka is back at broooces today. he's just gonna hand it back to his trans guy and say "fix it being that you just did and it still sux". just a sticky/warped valve body apparently, so at least its not stuffed totally.... while was there met bosco and saw his f6 on the dyno. now has massive t51 (I think) high mount. just about wet myself. couldnt hang around for the run, but it sounded orgasmic....
  6. I have thort about it actually, what kit would I need?
  7. 3000rpm. nice small convertor (physically) that's tight as. I dont know who bruces trans 'guy' is, but he reckons they replaced a fair bit and was tight as again. racking my brains trying to work out what the go is as 45k's later its doing nothing good? I wanna put it in the garage and get underneath to see if there are signs of fluid leak but with no reverse I wont get it out again, so its on the road. and hitler hasnt got back to me yet....
  8. adrian did you have reverse? I got nada, and in performance mode in 1st shift to second, and it displays 2nd for split sec and then dispalys 1st again. same in 2nd- 3rd. and the flaring, and the flashing display today of 'D' and temp gauge- the users manual shows trans overheating, so stopped straight away. wonder if it leaked fluid on way home? gradually got worse as journey progressed. not too happy after it being in the shop for couple weeks for a blown trans.... hope adolf has the loan mule available...
  9. actually after a careful 45km drive home- got no reverse, box flaring, wont select gear in manual mode- wtf????? :bangcomputer:
  10. actually just spoke to adolf and he said it'll be ready. I gotta get mine this arvo too. needed some stuff replaced and a new reverse valve or some thing. $1200.00 bucks couldve been worse... thinking about going full bf transplant after hitler suggested it. said come pick up my 'hand grenade' lol.
  11. I would say expect to not be there by the sounds of it...
  12. was he doin anything on mine? should be just about ready to pick up.
  13. WOT is fine daily, but dont run it to redline too often. with the torque in these things theres no need anyway...
  14. the rapid stuff is the ducks nuts eh......... killa.
  15. ha ha I reckon his next ad might be a bit different......
  16. its not been in a crash either- I just checked out his other activities and he recently bought a ba airbag....
  17. I paid 1000 for all calipers, discs, spare track pads, braided lines from a fellow forum member- all reco'd
  18. I couldnt resist, just had a go too: hi m8. I love the sleeeper look. not to cop bate or nuthing. what is a xt? I herd of forte and xr. is it a limeted run? or custom order from factery? would you take lower cash plus swop? cheers shav
  19. didnt knnow when I started this thread it'd get so funny eh? keep baiting cause I carnt think that stuff up :roflmbo:
  20. on a stock ba bottom end. the difference is I know my car is a faster taxi, this guy thinks he has something special..... he only does when he looks in the mirror....
  21. sorry - sat. I need to learn me some nowlige...
  22. or maybe the chassis is set up a fair bit better than a bf? it IS better to keep traction if you want to be quick I guess.
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