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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. Panda Eyes

    Tuned G6Et

    yes. ford put reductions in as a way of being kinder on the transmission. if you remove them the acceleration is quicker and gear changes less sloshy, but it is harder on the trans....
  2. I didnt know you could get the parts required for a btr to be unbreakable.... if it were true he'd have plenty of takers!
  3. well u know im a show unicorn.... I won the jd customs 1 that was on eBay last week. spent an evening going through all the plenum topics on here and they seem to all be a big improvement over standard. or maybe ill keep at the same power but bring the boost down from the brink of meltdown.... nah, ill just see what the max I can get is!
  4. true. I actually welcome all opinions, its a public forum so everyone has a right to say what they think....
  5. I dont post pics of my *beep*...... but I will of the lights soon...
  6. just bought a plenum, gonna get hitler to tune it. aiming for 370rwkw on the cardboard bottom end....
  7. after 06/06 is f6 bottom end. or so the legend goes......
  8. b series look tougher imho. fg's look a bit 'soft'. the fg f6 does look good though...
  9. cheers here are a couple more piccies. I like it.
  10. I did my running lights yesterday. work in progress though. still gonna do the panda eyes, but later when I get the whole bumper repainted. also installed hid lights in the foggies. that's 3 sets on the front now! people flash me in the DAY time though...
  11. did this conversion yesterday, the h3c kit fits with no mods at all. just remove all the original globe and wiring stuff, take the clip off the globe holder, replace it with the hid globe, bend the original holder tabs so it clamps the hid base tight,feed the wiring through the rubber grommet and clip the front and back of the fog light body together again.
  12. I bought both my cars from interstate. ask specifically about scratches/ dents/ marks etc, rips/ tears/ cig burns and ask for pics of any defects. finance check is a must. if there is finance owing, dont give them any money, as they may not go and pay the balance. the finance company doesnt care who has posession of the car, they will come and take it if they are owed money for it... imagine paying someone 20k for a car and finding out the finance company wants the 35k they loaned for it new.....
  13. yeah that would be a great idea. my bro in laws toyota does this ffs! I reckon it would be hard to retro fit, but not impossible. surely there is some module somewhere that activates when a linked device is in range. if it could be installed in line from the ignition to the ecu, then the igniton barrel removed from its original position and hidden under the dash somewhere with the original key in and ON. when you have the trigger device on you and approach the car, it would activate and connect the hidden ignition barrel with key in(already on) and the car would get ready to start (prime fuel pump, all dash check lights on). then all you would need to do is push the starter button and your away. there would be some bugs I can think of straight away, like how do you turn the car off? this could be done by replacing the original start button with one from a car that starts AND stops the engine, or prol easier with a second button that would momentarily cut power to the module to kill the engine. however in that case, when you release the stop button, the ignition would come back on, ready to start the engine again, which could be annoying.... of course, that would all turn off when you walk away.... then theres the task of the car locking/ unlocking when you are in/ out of range....
  14. leds are only a cosmetic thing. do stuff all to illuminate the road. if you wanted to get creative, you could buy some of those led strips from eBay and install a circle around the rim of the foggie?
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