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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. hey chris, got any details/ links for where and what is the best products to get?
  2. I still have mine- less wheels, and with faded paint. but my son is gonna have it when he can drive in the next year, and has some plans for it already swirling around that little brain of his...
  3. be interesting to see how you go wayne... I want to meet you guys one of these days.. . ill have to get out soon I reckon. jetters, I so wanted to cruise the black fella before you handballed it on ... oh well my bad...
  4. isnt caltex e85 dodgy on the old consistancy thing? mixes changing all the time?
  5. yeah the computer is prol telling the injectors to work at 90% duty cycle max= 54pounds, and will now be telling the new ones to run at same duty cycle (more or less) ! is prol not too much danger, but will be running rich as no doubt. is raw fuel dripping out the exhaust? im surprised your getting any combustion burn at all!
  6. didnt get it dyno'd dude. feels flippin quick though. changed the coils- deffinately recommended guys! am due for 1 when I get the plenum installed though so will keep ya posted.
  7. crazy... crazy... I love e series. my last project car was a ef but I got rid of it for a xrt so id have more power(?)...
  8. does anyone get the same threads on page 2 as page 1 in 'new content'?
  9. how much for the stock f6 cooler dude?
  10. is it just fast, or show worthy as well like jet xr
  11. could well be! deffinately attention grabbing! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/XR6-TURBO-/220722377481?pt=AU_Cars&hash=item3364143309
  12. hey I got a mate who wants a cooler for his turbo deisel rodeo. anyone got a stocky lying around for a bit of coin?
  13. yeah the filler is on the side. get a 'sludge pump' or similar and pump the fluid in till it starts to dribble out the hole. that's it.
  14. too right buf. if it wasnt for this site I dont think too many t owners would have the weapons they have now.... me included. with the (relatively) handfull of realy clued up guys who know alot about working with these beasts, take the the site away, and you take the access to their combined knowledge away, and you are left with 'my mate said do this and this....", and alot of blown boat anchors in peoples driveways..... come on guys, throw in 20 bucks now and then. its easy to forget, so now is a good time to do it while its fresh in everyones minds. of course, its probably only donating members reading this thread though.....
  15. sounds killa. ill be watching this thread with great interest....
  16. 2000 bucks plus a wrecked donor bf..... 4000-7000 depending on spec.
  17. I like the rapid kits myself. yeah jetters trans seemsto be ok. just have a modded stock convertor, so 400-500rpm higher than stock. feel a bit gypped though that I couldnt keep the tce one. just got a plenum so will be interesting to see what power I can get out the unicorn.... that is if bruce is willing to turn the wick up a bit more...
  18. nice car, but I doubt youll get what your asking. most modded ba's go for 18000 or so these days. prob more viable to return to stock and sell the parts as you wont get more for a modded ba unfortunately.....
  19. I think they look ok. nice brakes! maguires scratch x will get rid of your paiint swirl problem too.
  20. 3 speed c4 or zf 6 speed out of a bf>. ill be doing a complete bf conversion before too long- now staring down the barrel of 370rwkw on a stock ba! think the built btr wont last that long!
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