hey guys been slowly increasing mods over the last couple years. nothing unusual- stock- 210rwkw. flash and tune- 252rwkw. cooler (hot side only), injectors (deka 60lb) 'hi flowed' stock cat- 301rwkw. cold side piping, under battery cold intake, 3.5" dump, twin 2.5" cat back exhaust- 320rwkw. P W surge tank and higher boost- 331rwkw. 1/2 98ron/ e85 tune- 351rwkw. now I have installed a jd custom plenum, but decided that before I get the car tuned, id get a big cat converter. its been in the back of my mind being that the 'hi flowed' cat is not the best idea, although the cars farts would not be too bad as ethanol is greener than unlead. after looking around at cat options, I decided on twin 2.5" in/out, 4" body stailess 100cpi cats. should flow saweet. going in next week for tune, and am hoping to edge closer to 400rwkw. if it struggles, then I may think about a full e85 tune. although mid- high 300's will be excellent on the street, with my 275 stickies on the back, 400 would be nice for bragging rights. will prol leave the power there for a while or till in goes bang. thoughts?