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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. contacted my engineer and got a reply tonight: Dear Scott, It is good to hear from you again. An issue at stake is whether or not the emissions standard of the replacement engine matches the date of build of the vehicle. In 2004 the Rodeo had to comply with ADR 79/00, a European regulation. The 1997 specification engines in Australia were required to meet ADR37/01, a rule based upon the US Federal Test Procedure. In reality, the world would is not worse for the use of an ADR 37/01 engine. However, the test procedure is different and the newer rule was sufficiently elaborated to preclude an engine designed for ADR 37/01 from passing ADR 79/00 on procedural grounds rather than a risk to the world basis. Such is the politics of environmental protection and the contrivance of bureaucracy. On the basis of track record, there would be some in the Department of Transport who would understand and accept your proposal but others who would not. If you wished to continue with the idea, I would be happy to support it in principle. I will forward copies of this to David Gunner (8348 9623) and Rickman Smith of the Department who may be able to give you the official position and may also be prepared to support an application for exemption from the detail of the regulations pursuant to the Road Traffic Act in order to allow you to do it. So debauched is reason at present that many in authority would prefer that you scrapped your seven year old vehicle and arranged to dig up 3 tonnes of iron ore and 500 kg of bauxite and have it smelted and add $40000 of labour to make a new vehicle to the later emission standard. Not in 200 years or ever could the world be any better than your current proposal. Neither would reversion to a horse and cart. I think your idea is sound, supportive others are needed. Yours sincerely, DP
  2. I dont want the fastest car on the road guys. I just cant see the point of spending 6k on a new oem spec motor when a good conversion can be done for similar $$$. 195kw and a heap more torqu3 is better than 153.......
  3. found this on the transport sa website: ___________________________________________________________________________________ EXEMPTION FOR ENGINE CHANGES TO CARS, CAR TYPE UTILITIES AND CAR TYPE PANEL VANS South Australian Government Gazette, 12 October 2000 Page 1 of 2 EXEMPTION FOR ENGINE CHANGES TO CARS, CAR TYPE UTILITIES AND CAR TYPE PANEL VANS S.A Government Gazette, 12 October 2000 ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1961 Exemption for Engine Changes to Cars, Car Type Utilities and Car Type Panel Vans PURSUANT to the provisions of section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act, I, T. N. Argent, Executive Director, Transport SA, as authorised delegate of the Minister for Transport and Urban Planning, hereby exempt cars, car type utilities and car type panel vans: From the following provisions of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Rules 1999: • Rule 19 – Compliance with second edition Australian Design Rules; • Rule 20 – Compliance with third edition Australian Design Rules; and From the following provisions of the Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 1999: • Regulation 25(3) (b) – Modification of motor vehicles: For: 1. The fitting of a replacement petrol engine to vehicles manufactured to comply with Australian Design Rules 26, 27, 27A, 27B and 27C – Vehicle Emission Control, subject to the following conditions: 1.1. That the engine does not have a greater displacement volume than an engine available as an option for the vehicle and that the braking system is the same as that fitted by the vehicle manufacturer for the engine concerned. 1.2. That the engines fitted to vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 1972, incorporate a positive crankcase ventilation system. 1.3. That the engine fitted to passenger cars manufactured on or after 1 January 1972, but prior to 1 January 1974, does not have a carbon monoxide exhaust emission output which exceeds 4.5 percent, at the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended engine idle speed. 1.4. That the engine fitted to passenger cars manufactured on or after 1 January 1974 but prior to 1 July 1976 does not have a carbon monoxide emission output which exceeds 4.5 percent and a hydrocarbon exhaust emission output which exceeds 250 parts per million at the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended engine idle speed. 1.5. That the engine fitted to vehicles manufactured on or after 1 July 1976, incorporates a system which does not permit crankcase gases to escape directly into the atmosphere. 1.6. That the engine fitted to vehicles manufactured on or after 1 July 1976, but prior to 1 January 1986, does not have a carbon monoxide exhaust emission output which exceeds 2.5 percent and a hydrocarbon exhaust emission output which exceeds 250 parts per million, at vehicle manufacturer’s recommended engine idle speed. 1.7. That the engine fitted to cars manufactured on or after 1 January 1974, car type utilities manufactured on or after 1 July 1976 and car type panel vans manufactured on or after 1 July 1976, the engine camshaft, inlet manifold, air cleaner, air intake system or internal engine components (apart from the normal reconditioning process) are not altered from the original manufacturer’s specifications. A carburettor which was not supplied as original equipment by the vehicle manufacturer may be fitted provided that the carburettor is equipped with the same number of venturis, it has an air flow rating that is within 5 percent of the manufacturer’s original carburettor specifications and all emission control features fitted to the original carburettor are able to be reconnected and operate effectively. 1.8. That all original equipment emission control features applicable to the engine are fitted and operate effectively. 1.9. That if the engine has been reconditioned to a later Australian Design Rule specification all emission control features applicable to the later Australian Design Rule engine are fitted and operate effectively. 1.10. That vehicles manufactured on or after 1 July 1976 are fitted with an effective evaporative emission control system. 2. Notwithstanding Clause 1, the fitting of a larger capacity engine to vehicles tabled in the Category 1 Approved Engine Change List issued by Transport SA, varied or substituted from time to time is permitted and subject to the following: 2.1. That the engine fitted meets the requirements of Clause 1, Conditions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9.
  4. supercharged v6 makes 30kw more than n/a- not worth it. do osme research on 1uz motors and they are closely designed on race engines used in u.s. very well engineered- very understressed. proven to go and go and go. 6 bolt mains- hypereutectic pistons- steel rods etc. quad cam makes them very economical and efficient. respond well to free flowing exhaust too.
  5. car is 2004 and B A S I C as. the computer only runs the engine. with a half cut all sensors/ modules/ coils etc are there, so its actually not that hard- my tuner has a guy that does all his engine swaps eg ba> into ea-el. ill have to check on the year side of things- but the jap engines emissions would be better than the basic isuzu donk...
  6. car can be legal- will need to engineer a v8 though. not a prob as the power to weight would be quite low.... comes with auto, ecu's, wiring looms etc so only difficult bits would be engine mounts, trans mount, tailshaft and sump. not that these are too difficult any way. emissions would be fantastic- better than stock motor.
  7. the crappy 3.5l petrol enginw just dropped the big end on friday -a reco short is 4.5k! so im gonna do a swap instead- ideas? 3.8 vt-vy is an easy one- 5.0 v8 vn- vt is pretty easy too but a bit more exy 4.0 quad cam toyota is cheap to get (1500 front cut) with everything, but will be more stuffing around to get it in. gonna put the auto trans in that comes with any of the above too what do you reckon? its an ra model
  8. not a fan- look like skateboard wheels- but each to their own
  9. the same wheel... if you want you can have a close look at mine, dazza....
  10. everyone on here is like "be different, same is boring, blah blah" but when you try something new you get flamed. I bet if you do it everyone that hears it will want to know why it sound so killa.....
  11. I got one from a group buy on here, although I had 2 keys and remotes, the key wouldnt take- it would start once, but when I turned the car off, it would not start again. fraud quoted 80 bucks, but my tuner did it for zip!
  12. I would avoid fibreglass bonnets.... is it crash approved?
  13. hmmm. im staring down the barrel of a licence loss. quick squirt to 127kmh then back down to 60 fairly quickly. got busted and have a lawyer looking at it now. hopefully I can get it down to 6 months... did it in nov and still hasnt been resolved. might plead not guilty so it goes to trial and I get it put off for another 8 months.....
  14. agreed- I put an aftermarket steel bonnet on mine- great fit and finish- $550 plus paint... I wouldnt get a fibreglass one though.
  15. they all do that 'tick, tick, tick' noise when reversing- especially uphill...
  16. that scenario is the same as what you've got now- I'd make it clear I want the full warranty to apply to the engine from the repair or replace date- not the car delivery date. if you get no joy, politely explain that if it is not sorted out satisfactorily you will have no choice but to go to the ombudsman- he actually does have some weight usually.... good luck with it...
  17. I still think it looks like sex....
  18. what model do you have with which option rims?
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