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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. how do you change? do they just pop out?
  2. that's a pretty good 60' time mate. semis and some practice should get you an 11 or close.
  3. grip (or lack of) is a common problem we all have in these torquey beasts. anyone run tubs on the street? 315's on the rear.... mmmmm....
  4. yeah the engine bay finish sucks. I guess its a good reason to have lightning strike- the primer colour in the bay looks like its colour coded (sort of).
  5. fair point. there's hope for mine then!
  6. if hunger games is as good as the books then it will be epic.....
  7. nice. bit of a copyright infringement but. I see a lawsuit....
  8. sweet as mate. is strong as (so far). it hasnt been driven for around 4 months though as I lost my licence.
  9. sounds like you no want your licence anyzmore eeva.
  10. xr's had red rocker cover, fpv's blue. factory gas pox green. they are not colour coded to the car, you have to do that yourself!
  11. is that the ford show at birdwood?
  12. usually means the pump in there is getting tired..... 3-8 secs is common. before the rebuild mine wouldnt go in unless I stalled it up...
  13. the btr will break again, there is no such thing as a 'race' build for these. in adelaide the guy that bruce uses is good. I had mine done- had a prob with it, but he fixed it up without a whinge. eventually all us btr guys need to upgrade to something stronger...
  14. red angel eyes- got me a defect...
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