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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. will tow a caravan..FAIL will take family of 5 around comfortably..FAIL will be comfortable on long road trips..FAIL mate why do you think we buy these things? cause theyre the best all round performance car? nup. cause some of us need a little thing called practicality..
  2. sorry tank... does the pump suck it through? obviously not gravity fed like I thought...
  3. +1 for aca. they would be all over a big company like ford not honoring a warranty.
  4. I reckon 3k for a fg f6 short? or has it changed?
  5. I bought mine off ebay, but it was made by an audio shop. only paid 80 bucks. the quality of my home made ones in the ef is better though...
  6. I think an fg f6 block is next on my shopping list...
  7. how much you want for that housing dude?
  8. not necessarily? didnt they change over SOME TIME in june 06?
  9. ok cool. like I said, not having a go, just curious..
  10. my car in a mates wedding (quite) a few years ago...
  11. factory amp! lol. is actually not too bad. when I get around to it ive got a jaycar 1000wrms mono block amp and 4 x 125wrms for the front vdo gtm1650 splits and rear 6" sony 2 ways, 1 farad capacitor, 4 ga wiring and gold distribution blocks etc, leather headrest screens, rgb convertor (already have a dvd installed) for premo screen. used to spend lots of time on ice, but running a business and building my house (actually building it) has limited it some what.... my old car- now my lads...
  12. 30000kms? 1.5 years of use on average. sounds about right..
  13. its all in the tune mate. I dont think tuning it with a different fuel is gonna hurt, as long as you dont go nuts on timing, and keep a safe afr ratio... e85 is the way to go... go for it!
  14. is it just me or is the taping on your wheels very average? no offence or anything...
  15. that little weener just wants his 2 secs of fame. john cadogan is a tool. sold himself out years ago.
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