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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. nah mate just do as many mods as you like and not ask any advice about it from anyone. it'll be all good...
  2. they are not 9.5's on the back of the fg ute, they are wider. dont be fooled ito thinking your car will look like this...
  3. I think they were replying to post 17...
  4. why didnt you get the police dash- with the speed holes?
  5. and a trans still in the right place....
  6. any thing that can run 1000hp is either expensive to mod or expensive to buy in the first place...
  7. lol at the vid- the white f6 coming in with his tail between his legs. that and the chick sounds like a bogan
  8. panda eyes are unique enough to go in surely...... bring it on
  9. enjoy it mate. wont be long before you are like 'meh' and then you wont see your car quite so often unless you visit your tuner.....
  10. check the plug has not come loose- if all good then check the user manual.
  11. yeah yeah ive heard it all before. just dont want a clone
  12. great advice bionic. well done.. I would have said limp mode, but wasnt aware that the battery could do it.
  13. shame you didnt think about it earlier? good way to lose money....
  14. chrome is ok on the right car: 20" bling on a wrex? wrong 20" bling on an old skool tank? win
  15. they have- top gear reported one recently that has a 2l engine. it doesnt drive the wheels at all, just recharges the bateries. the thing flies.....
  16. pffft ha ha, way to revive a 4 year old post for your first....
  17. that is amazing. my inlaws were in paris a week ago..
  18. mint tc cortina (250ci), then drop xr6t running gear in it, low, 19's, weapon.....
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