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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. big dave is that a m90 or 109... sweet bikes them...
  2. bought some interconnect cable and rca ends from the states to make my own rca's. that way the quality will be better and I get exactly the right lengths between amps etc...
  3. I dont know tbh.... maybe pm Quadie, as he was the original thread starter on the mod.. I can send, but will need your email address to do so, pm me with your details dude! scott
  4. fair enough. I didnt say it was gonna be quick though, just the opposite...
  5. also got my eye on another amp to accommodate 3 way front stage
  6. infinity can be a bit 'bright', but im likely gonna mount them facing each other, and up a bit and not straight to the ears. should settle them down and lift the sound stage... I have used infinity tweeters before and dont mind them...
  7. too many tards around here....
  8. yep, that's the plan... aaaaaaand, just won a rockford fosgate 3sixty on fleabay.... and the 820wrms amp I was eyeing off. it also makes both amps same brand, so much more pleasing aesthetically... rock 'n' roll...
  9. typhoon, tornado, TEMPEST. meh, makes sense....
  10. ah you mean dynaxorb squares, to go behind speakers? I thought you were refering to a LOC... meh- there is no proof they work, and not deemed necessary, so I dont think ill bother..
  11. just speaker wire- its a nightmare to muck around with the factory loom feed.. what LOC did you end up with for this install? I was checking them out too- cheapest that I found for pxe is around 260 delivered... there is an aussie seller on ebay has em brand new for 299 I think. for the white one, 319 for the black... audiocontrol LC6i can be had for as little as 160 delivered...
  12. cheers mate. keen to see your build too. the w6's are a great sub. bewdiful
  13. true, but who would want a perfect sounding system in a car that goes like pus? my system prol wont wow anyone by listing the components, but the sound quality should measure up. im going for a real good prep foundation, with a solid build quality, reasonable components, and a nice attention to detail on this build. well, that's the plan anyway...
  14. nah not top end, got too many other things to suck my dollars atm.... but have always liked getting great quality/ sounding gear for the money. never been a 'ive gotta have all alpine/ pioneer/ rockford' type of guy. they each make good products, but not ALL of their products are great. ie: focal 6" have gone down hill, unless you go realy high end. research will reveal whats what, plus I enjoy doing the research. all part of the fun imo... if any one wants killer builds, check out DIYMA.com. awesome.
  15. ooooh, I love getting pressies from the post office... 0, 4 and 8 ga ready to go in... 6.5" components too. distribution block, http:// cant wait to hear this beast... http:// this is not licorice, but a butyl rope that will go between the intrusion bars and the door panels, and any where else that needs some extra solidity... http:// and a cloth oem spec tape for all the looms to stop any vibrations... http:// noise dampener (similar to roadkill, fatmat etc).. http:// still deciding on whether to go a 3 way front stage, if so I will be getting 3" tang band bamboo drivers from the us for the a pillars also need to decide on what to use for LOC- rockford fosgate 3sixty, audiocontrol LC6i, or alpine imprint pxe-h360... also got my peepers on a 820wrms sub amp, which if I win will replace the clarion 400wrms I was gonna use...
  16. I ran a second feed through above the original loom, and wrapped it in flexible conduit.
  17. yep, I reckon ill go that way... better get on with it, only 13 1/2 weeks till im behind the wheel again...
  18. yeah fair enough. stripped most of the rest of the interior out yesterday. but couldnt find my torx set for the front seats, seatbelts etc. also am starting to work out some designs for the fibreglass enclosures, molds, etc.. some gear started arriving in the mail today, so will be able to begin the build and start to get some photos up real soon....
  19. so I am thinking about getting an alpine pxe-660 sound processor, to take the factory stereo signal and pass it through to all amps etc. http://shop.alpine-usa.com/products/productdetail/System%20Integration%20Audio%20Processor/part_number=PXE-H660/5666. my other option is to do the rca to icc mod. I believe that the signal from the rca's will be quite low- eg: 4 volt from an aftermarket hu, but less than 1 volt from added rca's. the rca mod is cheap- the alpine processor is $270ish delivered. opinions?
  20. ok now I feel stoopid, after posting this I searched through my computer and found that I actually have it saved from couple years ago. so if anyone wants it, just let me know and ill email it to you. scott
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