ooooh, I love getting pressies from the post office... 0, 4 and 8 ga ready to go in... 6.5" components too. distribution block, http:// cant wait to hear this beast... http:// this is not licorice, but a butyl rope that will go between the intrusion bars and the door panels, and any where else that needs some extra solidity... http:// and a cloth oem spec tape for all the looms to stop any vibrations... http:// noise dampener (similar to roadkill, fatmat etc).. http:// still deciding on whether to go a 3 way front stage, if so I will be getting 3" tang band bamboo drivers from the us for the a pillars also need to decide on what to use for LOC- rockford fosgate 3sixty, audiocontrol LC6i, or alpine imprint pxe-h360... also got my peepers on a 820wrms sub amp, which if I win will replace the clarion 400wrms I was gonna use...