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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. ha ha im logged in as rab. when im really panda eyes. I love men
  2. as mentioned before 200 kms should be ok- doubt anyone would average 30l/100km.
  3. the back way from murray bridge to littlehampton is a good drive rather than the freeway- through Monarto, Callington and Kanmantoo and Nairne (where I live) on the return trip would also go through bridgewater and aldgate, through germantown hill and def go through Hahndorf. https://www.google.com.au/maps/dir/United+Petroleum+-+Murray+Bridge/The+Crafers+Hotel/Ashton+SA+5137/Magill+SA+5072/-34.8370779,138.8216024/Birdwood/Lobethal+Bierhaus/Lenswood+SA+5240/Balhannah,+South+Australia/United+Petroleum+-+Murray+Bridge/@-35.0137034,138.7427663,13z/data=!4m87!4m86!1m25!1m1!1s0x6ab70cdd2e2da227:0x2cafa0e990cd54ef!2m2!1d139.2532241!2d-35.1280473!3m4!1m2!1d139.0373207!2d-35.1264307!3s0x6ab73d87adc09bcb:0xdbd2ce81be492a50!3m4!1m2!1d138.8076892!2d-35.0261543!3s0x6ab73165c2b8f0bb:0xa262084534f6746b!3m4!1m2!1d138.7806858!2d-35.0165576!3s0x6ab733c725b0bb43:0xb649e65b3a13a732!3m4!1m2!1d138.7302066!2d-35.0104567!3s0x6ab732d9c9e4b3a7:0xf4ae2e3413737d0b!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0xd7fb980b2b25c4e9!2m2!1d138.704613!2d-34.997917!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ab7351f4bf835ef:0x5033654628ea8d0!2m2!1d138.737222!2d-34.939722!1m10!1m1!1s0x6ab0ca543b59c41f:0x5033654628eb7c0!2m2!1d138.6758!2d-34.909!3m4!1m2!1d138.7301231!2d-34.8920461!3s0x6ab74aa589699733:0xe7df6faf2d8deb18!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ab75cf54f0d78e1:0x5033654628ea9b0!2m2!1d138.966667!2d-34.816667!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x88e501d0e9edd78!2m2!1d138.8732!2d-34.907371!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ab73459326d9b6f:0x5033654628eb6b0!2m2!1d138.8315666!2d-34.9172455!1m10!1m1!1s0x6ab736f2614c0015:0x5033654628ea910!2m2!1d138.827385!2d-34.9893754!3m4!1m2!1d138.9304704!2d-35.041635!3s0x6ab73971b4388d39:0x305458d0c2aa2f7e!1m5!1m1!1s0x6ab70cdd2e2da227:0x2cafa0e990cd54ef!2m2!1d139.2532241!2d-35.1280473!3e0
  4. Hawaiian pack from the chicken shop.
  5. after a much needed oil change drove down to murray bridge to fill up with E85. a quick flash tune and the drive home through the hills was amazeballs. 20rwkw on paper doesnt sound like much at the 350ish rwkw level, but the ethanol tune is much more aggressive and the Bum dyno certainly feels it... bye bye grip...
  6. nah all good- had to cut the bumper to shape on the left to accommodate the extra width. they are on a twin 2.5 system.
  7. for the last couple weeks my ba has randomly decided not to engage semi auto mode. if I stop the car and restart a couple times it seems to work again- for a short time. other thing is the cruise wont come turn on whenever the semi auto stops. ??? bem maybe? also- the cruise wont engage (even when the cruise turns on- its on the dash cluster). I cant seem to locate a fuse for the cruise either. ideas? cheers scott
  8. or they might be 3.5. ill measure.
  9. I have twin 4". I like them. bad photo. but:
  10. I did put up black decorative panels on the back fence.... made it look siiiiick.
  11. belated post for Saturday just gone- spent the day at Mum's doing some building maintenance- since Dad dropped dead suddenly 6 months ago She cant do some of the stuff Dad did. crossed half a dozen things off her to do list- some that had been worrying her. felt good.
  12. someone correct me if im wrong, but I believe a different rolling diameter front to rear can throw the abs out.
  13. thanks for reply guys- could I grap a price for invo's in 265 30/ 19 as well? cheers  




      Hi Mate,

      Sure! We have the 265/30R19 Nitto Invo's available instock and we will be looking at $250 per tyre.

      Let me know what you think!




  14. yeah youve already come this far, youd be stupid to not put an atomic 998 motor in, bullet proof c4, baer brakes, bugatti veyron diff, space shuttle challenger rear wing on now.....
  15. sounds like pbr's premium c6 calliper and disc. I have the same on mine- rear is larger diameter than the front but thinner. these were on the au3 t series.
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