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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. there needs to be a REALLY LIKE button...
  2. sorry to thread jack gtexxed..... im in a silly mood.
  3. nice one wiggum, but its actually a small flap of tissue that is an infection barrier inside a womans vagina before the cervix. oh wait, that's a hymen
  4. I can best explain like this- 'Lamens' terms is actually 'Layman's' terms. it refers to the 'Laymen'- hired help of yesteryear that were not educated at secondary schools or other teaching academies, so often did not understand technical intricacies of higher technologically design machines or techniques. They had to be explained by the higher educated to the more simply taught employees so they could have at least a reasonable understanding of how to undertake a particular task at hand.
  5. should be all good with e series wheels... definitely not b or f series
  6. takes the poisons out, avoids a 25k fine....
  7. nothing really, just noticed the photos looked local- near the back of dumas st? I live in nairne. nice car btw...
  8. hey smackers- live in the adelaide hills?
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