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Panda Eyes

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Everything posted by Panda Eyes

  1. I think I somehow always knew..... your eyes peer into my soul...
  2. and have you seen your quote above your avatar? no one that is scared to do something different leads fella....
  3. well mine is gone for another year now....
  4. pac em on... what ever the ****** your talking about- theres your answer.
  5. not a massive fan tbh. seem too 'complicated'.
  6. wheres the best place to get spacers? and what is the centre bore size for a ba?
  7. lovely colour for a g6. bit of a long time between posts?
  8. from ftg? probably. everytime ive inquired about something and been given the price ive felt like saying get *******
  9. thankyou wombat. couldnt be more helpful...
  10. hey guys, could someone please measure the side badge from a g6e/t for me? cheers
  11. /\ is it just me or are they realy ugly (no fg bar jokes- I already get it)
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