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About ardi

  • Birthday 02/01/1985

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  1. Happy Birthday ardi!

  2. Happy Birthday ardi!

  3. Happy Birthday ardi!

  4. Happy Birthday ardi!

  5. Would be going to WSID. Does anyone know if there is a strip in Adelaide at all??
  6. It's the stock turbo with bigger compressor wheel and housing 0.7
  7. Sweet, the limited is set at 6500 now
  8. Cant put pic of dyno graph on here??? File to big, but you can see it in the 400kw club under 404 thanks to autotech not sure how to put a link to it
  9. So as the topic suggests. WILL HAVE TO run my car this winter while its nice and cool. Car is a Ba turbo , putting out 404rwkw on race fuel, 4 speed auto with 3000rpm stall convertor and MT ET streets..... Any ideas???
  10. So after getting the motor in the BA rebuilt I had Spiro do a race tune after its run in. Pretty happy with the results condidering it has a 3000+ stally in it! Hopefully it might loosten up a little after putting a few km on it....
  11. ardi

    Goodbye Motor

    Out with the old in with the new!!!
  12. Did the 6.5s bolt straight in to the front?? I have a ba with premo. I assume it would be the same as bf. If this is a straight up swap I will be doing it for sure, but with the 5x7 typs s in the rear like u said!
  13. I had a problem with mine doing a similar thing with the blinkers and other electricals. May sound silly, but do u have an aftermarket immobiliser or car alarm?? Mine was the car alarm, but had speaker turned off lol
  14. Ok so im going to upgrade speakers 1st. Is it right that the BA premo sound has 5x7s front and rear??? do they have tweeters? Does anyone know a good brand/model to look into????
  15. Mine stalls to 3300 in a ba 4speed mate. Lost about 45rwkw but now has rediculous amount of torque!!! Gets shocking fuel economy, but lets face it, I dont think that is what your after! Mine staarts grabbing when it comes on boost (22psi) and I wouldnt have it any other way now. Also had a 2800 lock up stall before. If ya want a silly but bloody fun car go for it!!!!
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