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Rudiger last won the day on November 26 2021

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About Rudiger

  • Birthday 25/01/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Greenvale, Victoria
  • Interests
    Driving, Watching V8s. Not into Formula 1 as much as I used to be.
  • Member Title
    All round good guy!

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  1. Happy Birthday Rudiger!

  2. So all these conversions are with led globes but the standard tail lamp assembly, yeah? I want to keep that. Im not a fan of the after market ones. Like standard if I can.
  3. I have an 07 BF T with a 6 speed ZF. Done around 180k. All works well (touch wood). Ive had a BA before so I know whats happening isn't right. The dim shift light that lights up when all lights are turned off but the ignition is on doesn't appear anymore. Normally, I wouldn't care but it happened a year or so ago when I removed the ICC to fix a fault and it hasn't worked since. The selector globe is ok cause it works at night and when I switch the ignition 5on it flashes. Now, does everyone see a shift light during the day or should I reduce my meds? Is there only one globe in there or two? Sounds silly. Have I broken something? Its just like a dash rattle. Has been worrying me for a while but searching here and there brings nothing. Im going to replace the globe in there now. That may shed light ( no pun intended), hopefully there is a simple answer. Thanks in advance.
  4. I couldn't find anything on it. Its just anuvva thread lol
  5. Do you know the wattage is on the ones you got are? They are just a wedge globe yeah?
  6. Kool. Thanks mate. Make reversing better? Although that's not the main reason I just like good light. But I don't want to melt
  7. Thanks. I like these little guages. Cheep and ok but I love how they all sweep when ya firstower up. Love that.
  8. BUMP. Ive looked around re this and id like to bump it as tech changes over time. First I think you need to catergarise. First, cars pre and post LEDs. Well cars post will have LEDs so we needn't bother with them. For those of us with BABF that have non LED it involves us. Bare with me. So, the two categories. are, LED globs or full LED replacements? I would think full LED units would gave everything you need but as GR8XR6 says, I'm not keen on the look either. So, I, like many who change to HID or replace interior globs with LEDs (one of the best and cheapest mods I've done IMO), want to upgrade to LED globes only. Indicator is a straight bulb change however, the light blinks on and off because of heat build up in a relay which opens and closes as the globe draws current. There are a number of articles on this and I believe 3 ways to approach. One appears to be the way to go, I cant remember which it was but you can get what you need in the globe or get a relay but you do need to have something so it will blink. Now excuse the lack of info here but the intention was not to tell you what to do. What id like to know is, has anyone changed to LED globes and not gone aftermarket units? We have: Brake lights which may or may not affect ABS/Cruise; Tail Lamp; Reverse Lamps; Indicators (Does need adaption for relay to heat up and blink); Front Parking lamps (have done these. Straight swap. Colour matching can be an issue) Rear Number plate lamps (Done. Straight swap) So anyone done any of these? I like LED running lights. As for ADR that doesn't worry me as much as the over exuberant copper who knocks you off for using driving with them on during the day, but some look way over the top. As mentioned, the interior lights.....no question. Any new car comes into my house its online or over to JayCar for some LED. The colour and visibility inside the car is smick and I love it. Sorry for the long post but if anyone has done those globes I haven't please comment. Thanks Rud.
  9. Is anyone running or installed aftermarket seats in their BF XR 6/8 sedan? If so, what have you fitted? Price and anything to avoid or look for? After something that is a good seat, maybe a track day, but general an everyday. I could just replace the damaged seat but wanna check my options before I shell out the coin. Cheers. Rud.
  10. How did ya go with this? Get it fixed? If so, how much and what did you do? Chees.
  11. Sorry. Only just saw this. Get any help? I may have a set of instructions. Let ,e know and il scan and send.
  12. thanks mate. I hear what you are saying. Its pristine at the moment from being garaged and I was more worried about rubbers and black surfaces when left in the sun for long periods is all.
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