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About david_c

  • Birthday 30/01/1982

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  1. Happy Birthday david_c!

  2. Happy Birthday david_c!

  3. Happy Birthday david_c!

  4. Happy Birthday david_c!

  5. Happy Birthday david_c!

  6. david_c

    Central Qld

    witch ute was yours I did see a couple of ute there I was in the silver turbo with the ford sticker on the back window my best time for the night was a 12.64
  7. david_c

    Central Qld

    had a good run down at the drags I got about 6 runs in for the night and my last run I got my best time ever 12.68sec @ 174kph I had a 1.430sec 60ft time
  8. david_c

    Central Qld

    yer I hope to be there for the test & tune
  9. david_c

    Central Qld

    did not see to meany turbos down at the dargs where are you all?? but good to see some big power out of the turbo ford
  10. david_c

    Central Qld

    I think I will just go to the drags I still need to do some more work on the car befor I do the street sprints
  11. david_c

    Central Qld

    where can you get the nom forms
  12. david_c

    Central Qld

    is that at banaraby becouse I know that the are on that weekend
  13. david_c

    Central Qld

    hi thank for the offer but just wont to pull 1 out and put 1 in. I am going to rebuild the diff that come out of it so I will let you know when I am doing to do it. I think that is the LSD mal wood use. cheers david
  14. david_c

    Central Qld

    hi carl I am going to get a mal wood diff it is going to be a bit cheper and a stronger then if you get parts from ford I have been told that to get a diff rebuilt with factory parts it's about $2000 and a mal wood was about $1600 to $1800 and they have a better LSD in it when is the motormania drags night and where is it I am keen to go cheer daivd
  15. david_c

    Central Qld

    that is what I wont. mine has not died yet but it has a lot of black lash and has a good whine to it. I has only found that out after I just did my diff mount.
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