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Everything posted by RIP85

  1. I haven't herd any more on this you could try ringing scott at haltech
  2. I used a pwr one try keep the factory one in place as it heats up the oil faster on cold start up
  3. here in Brisbane I use united glass test tube reads 90 and my zeetronix 82 farking annoying
  4. meant to be a plug and play have asked to confirm release date
  5. Tried that according to msd the processor in the eboost can't read with the msd unit. We tried from the computer as well also number 6 and 3 coil like the instructions said ordered an auto meter one see if that works once it's here. So much time trying to get it to work so frustrating
  6. I was but invested to much into it now Ended up changing to a gtx3582 internal gate on the 6 boost manifold on e85 pulled 644hp on 16psi so there is heaps more to come once I can get rpm signal to the eboost
  7. Having dramas with msd 1898 unit going to try auto meter unit
  8. Front tow bolts now every diff bolt is cat spec c how long this lasts
  9. Yes total also believe it was released at sema due feb next year so I have been told
  10. Very true the rear diff owes me over 8g already so going to maintain what I have going to be interesting next week when they wind the boost up
  11. It has the malwood upgraded diff hat already. Going to replace the two front bolts with cat spec ones for now. Then in the new year take the whole cradle out send it over to extreme engineering see if Craig can weld on a plate to the diff hat and fit to rubber bush's with mounting bolts. this will eliminate all the stress on one bolt and spread the load. Hopefully the cat spec bolts wont break time will tell.
  12. yeah a little this is a good indication looking at this pic
  13. apparently haltec is realsing a plug and play unit for ba-fg next year very interested to see these as they will control the fly by wire also.
  14. Now that the car is on the hoist it's broken the front two originally thought it was the rear bolt again. once the diff assembly is out I'll get some pics
  15. Well another bolt smashed 3 in two months so have now upgraded to the toughest cat spec bolt my mate could buy if this fails it will be time to do a diff cradle mod similar to what hi torque do this bolt is rated at 170000psi strength.
  16. Cheers appreciate cheers for the responses if you look at the pick you'll see what my original pads do to my front wheels make them black arrgh
  17. I fixed a f*cked up dodgy intercooler hose due to my mechanic using the wrong hose and dogy clamps after a track cruise
  18. Just want some recommendations on pads for 6 pot brembos as my standard pads arnt the best around qld raceway was thinking ebc red stuff
  19. It he rear had been rolled quickly realized they needed allot of work gaurd work was 1200 they have been cut welded and pulled 2.5 inches each side traction is amazing with the 275 35 nitto invos on a 10 inch wide rear
  20. I have a new cradle when the diff went last year it twisted the cradle and smashed the diff
  21. My good mate is a teacher for cat hes been telling me to give him the bolt size might give that a go next.
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