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About Moose

  • Birthday 19/12/1988

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    Ipswich, QLD

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  1. Happy Birthday Moose!

  2. Happy Birthday Moose!

  3. Happy Birthday Moose!

  4. Moose

    Happy Birthday Moose!

  5. Moose

    Happy Birthday Moose!

  6. I was running 20x10 +35 with stretched 255/30's on my BF F6 sedan with no problem. Ran a 10mm spacer and they just scrubbed. They are also for sale lol
  7. Yes there was a speed sensor unplugged (or not clipped properly) but that only solved the speed sensor issue, it was still lighting up the dash and killing the speedo etc, the fix to that was checking the spark plug gap! Toxic07 - I feel your pain, I really do - I hope it gets sorted sooner rather than later!
  8. I own a BF, so im not sure what the standard tyre sizes on the FG are, but if they are 245/40/18 and 245/35/19 then 245/35/20 would be illegal due to rolling diametre increase of too much - so 245/30/20 is legal. It makes more sense when you look at it like this 245/40/18 245/35/19 245/30/20 But, if the FG has 245/40/19 standard then you'll be right! 35 series will be more comfortable but you gotta stay legal, I've copped 4 defects for wrong tyres just on my typhoon alone!
  9. I had a set of the Federal 595RS on the back on my stock 18's, in 255/35's - they were very slippery in the dry but surprisingly not too bad in the wet. They looked really good sitting fat on the rim, but I probably wouldn't get them again IMHO.
  10. Yeah my problem seems all fixed from just the spark plug gaps! Speedo fine, no lights come on etc. If it comes back, I'll check my ABS unit, because the other bloke on this forum just replaced his ABS unit and bam! fixed!
  11. Hey all, Going to sell my 20's and go for a different look, have found some rims that I really like. They come in 18x9 +15 and 18x9 +32 (they also come in a few different widths, 8.5, 9.5 and even 10's, but I think the 9's all round will be sweet. My question is, would these clear my F6 Brembo's in either the +15 or +32? The rims are Lenso D1R's, don't want to buy them and then have them not fit! thanks all
  12. Well thank f*ck for Elite Auto, turned out to be a speed sensor plug unplugged and my spark plugs gapped too far out. Now waiting to hear back from my mechanic, whos waiting to hear back from ChipTorque, about what to do from here. Its no longer doing the problem, but feels like I have no boost, I'd say that's from the spark plugs and speed sensor not being plugged in. Can see myself having to go back to Elite again and get them to tune it, but I need to buy an XCAL 3 before I can do that, so may be some time!
  13. Where's the best value for money place to buy an XCAL 3?

    1. dre


      get a second hand one on here in the classifieds. don't buy new its not worth it.

  14. Elite Auto found my problem - spark plugs weren't gapped out properly. They re-gapped them, went for a drive, problem fixed. First time they've seen it caused by this, normally its the coil-packs or the leads! They said its not normally an ABS issue.
  15. My problem was my spark plugs weren't gapped properly - Elite Auto said they've never seen it before, but they were way out - regapped them, went for a drive, problem fixed!
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