I know I don't belong here anymore but this is the best website around for information, also I have searched the forums but am unable to find any info on this sorry if I havn't looked well enough lol. I just recently brought a BF II Xr8 ute absolutely love it but the seatminder drives me nuts when im backing out my long driveway etc... Anyway ive tried about 3 methods, ignition on press and hold hazards buckle and unbuckle seatbelt release hazards, ignition on seatbelt buckled un buckled 9 times and also cycling the ignition key 9 times but none of them work?!?! Do I need to take it to fraud and get them to disable it?? Once again sorry if I am bring up old topics but I couldn't find them if you know of previous threads point me in the direction of them .. and thanks!