Golden Gate on the main straight always has some units available for the Indy Week with prices around the $3k - $5k mark. We had an email at work from an accomodation house with many units on the track still available 2-3 weeks out. Having had a unit in the Golden Gate for the Indy week, I can totally vouch for the position, perving value, & ability to get others in using the passes alloted. Great to not have to catch a cab home. Also good for the whole being able to pass out where you stand :lol: Mind you, nothing tops being able to have a topless beer wench on hand for the day to "serve your needs"... :punchhead: Then maybe have her "friend" putting on a little dance number.. Hmmmm, what was her name again!!!! Bambi.....Saphire......Debbie..... Those in favour of a unit next year.....