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Everything posted by Dagabond

  1. Give the man a medal top stuff Tas. B)
  2. Pretty much the same as I found em, nice as with out the go. My Rundown
  3. Dagabond

    Road Trip No2

    Cheap bloody carwash. B) Can anyone say Auqaplainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
  4. Might need somebody to pick it up and return it but have got a huge one hear: 6ft x 2ft Hotplate too big?? (+free gas)
  5. Better put an R rating on this thread it's got naked bit's in it. :lol:
  6. The Doors - LA Woman. (Just the start, Jim get's a bit freaky towards the end).
  7. Dagabond

    Road Saftey

    You can argue the ya's and nay's of this until your blu in the face. But until we the people make a united stand nothing will come of it.
  8. Whinge time - not. Just constructive critism! I was gunna pm it but thought others might like to comment: I think i've asked before but what's the chance of moving the [ Mark all posts as read ] link up to the top of the page in beside the {View all new posts | View all new topics} links maybe? Never understood the differents between those two either?? One does the same as the other to me? I'm a lazy sh!t I dont want to have to scroll to the bottom of the increasingly large front page all the time. :D And another: Is it possible to hide the active today list? Last one: Pic's in post's for those of us not on dial up!! The first thing you do when you see an attachment is click the link 95% of which wont realy hit bandwidth. Unless it's Dave and Cam in the thread with a 101 pic's :lol: j/k guy's.
  9. There not that BIG : http://www.racelinepromotions.com/smhr/ima...ages/image5.htm http://www.racelinepromotions.com/smhr/ima...ages/image4.htm http://www.racelinepromotions.com/smhr/ima...ages/image3.htm
  10. Guy's we need a few more colours: Charliewool orange XRCISM purple CDM red JustinD gold 240 T ??? Mondie purple Mercturbo silver Bdennis purple BAXR6T blueprint Dagabond purple BLKXRT black Richdave blueprint Davocol?? Lionheart black Sorras blueprint So the tally is: Phantom Purple 4 Blueprint 3 Silhouette Black 2 Blood Orange 1 Mercury Silver 1 Venom Red 1 Acid rush 1 Citrus Acid 0 Congo Green 0 Narooma Blue 0 Winter White 0 Sorry RDO I got bored.
  11. Come along anyway!! I have to come back past the servo so if I have a spare seat your welcome to jump in with me. :idea: Those of us at the first meeting point: Do you have E-Tags or are you going to ring up and book a day pass as we'll be going through the tunnel on the way out.(dont think there'll be time for a stop to buy em on the way through). If you want to buy a ticket online: https://www.transurban.com.au/content/daypa...sp?CC=47&CN=105 Jesmal are you coming or not, come on lad we wanna have a look at you car B)
  12. Umm I think vik did it himself?
  13. Trunk Monkey 359kb's but worth it. :lol:
  14. Funny isnt it, soon we'll back to runnin wheels like these: :lol: Not knockin it, look's grouse
  15. Buggers probably still out drivin it :lol:
  16. Resizing them BAH Get em up lad. It's not that were impatient or anything. :lol: Property of the NOW generation.
  17. The T bud only the T :lol: I havent driven the oldgirl since christmas.
  18. I hope you made a mistake with that comment!! Why? Check the link under my post. :D Would love to have a squiz if he does bring it.
  19. Just the bells?? Where's the drool smilie. :w00t:
  20. Please dont 'ewe' that way XR6TK1W1 :laughter:
  21. Congrats Cam. Mod's started already gotta lurve that. :laughter:
  22. I reckon you'll be disappointed and want to trade it in on a T.....
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