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  1. Hi Mitch, I'm not sure if we have ever spoken before but I've figured who you and your mechanic must be by the decription you've given. Thanks for your enlightening and evocative comments. For the record from my part, I have never seen or experienced the fault you describe. I'm aware that the mechanic has your description of what it's doing but he describes to me that he's not see it light up the dash or cut out as you describe either since the tune. I don't doubt your symptom. It sounds like loss of battery or earth. The system will lose Vehicle speed or possibly CAN data and will go into one of several "limp mode" versions which may require a key-off reset to clear it. As others said, ensure all the ECU and battery connections are good. Is this the Ex-Police vehicle? Was there any other wiring changes to the vehicle or has the battery been remote mounted? I'm happy to have a look at your vehicle at our first opportunity or I'm sure Paul at Elite will have a look at such items or the tune for you if he is closer and easier to get to. As I said, I have never seen what you are describing and the only logged codes I saw when the vehicle arrived here were for Vehicle speed error. I hope you get it sorted or give us a PM or phone call. Cheers Lachlan ChipTorque Oh, and BCL, thanks for the kind words. It's always possible we've missed something in the tune as we are all human after all, but the symptom Mitch described doesn't seem to match that. It sounds more like wiring to me. Happy to be proved wrong if that isn't the case. I've been doing this long enough to have seen my share of evocative comment on forums.
  2. LOK11

    Cyclone Yasi

    Similarly, I'd like to wish everyone the best with their recovery efforts. It's not as bad as we expected, but it's still nasty between Townsville and Cairns Lachlan
  3. With all that, I assume you have a boost gauge. Does the boost drop off when the power does and by how much? Tell Ash and Kent exactly what it does and they should be able to sort it for you. Cheers Lachlan
  4. It seems a little obvious, but I thought I should mention in case no one else has….. If you do that (ignition cut rev limit) with a Catalytic Convertor in the exhaust, you’ll destroy it in about 40seconds. The rest of the damage and dramas will follow from that point. Lachlan
  5. It's so long since I posted on the forums as a sponsor that even my history is gone but I thought I had to reply. I have to say that I am saddened by your scepticism. I still hold on to the hope that most of my colleagues in the automotive industry do indeed perform the custom tuning on their dynos in a diligent manner which should warrant a reasonable payment for their service. I would also hope that they are at the absolute least checking all of the PID loop operation for Valve Control and Boost Control as well as the more obvious AFR's and Ignition Timing. Within reason of WH&S concerns, you should be able to see (or hear assuming the tuner has a decent dyno cell) the custom tuning operation on your vehicle as each component of the tune is checked and custom tuned on the dyno. If you aren't getting that in a custom tune, I would then concede it may not be worth the money charged. Lachlan
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