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Everything posted by sensoryamusia

  1. finally picked up the new ute today so I'm back in action
  2. you've popped a pipe off somewhere or blown a seal (check the pipe to the throttle body - bet it's that)
  3. yeah its private and it wasn't really the owners fault.... dean, mods start straight away mate, ute already has injectors and f6 cooler/intake so I'll take it to rob for a re-tune then start getting busy! can't go backwards from 300+ rwkw can we?
  4. don't get my bloody ute until monday now @#$#%$@%@$ carless since last fri
  5. nah mate couldn't really justify an extra 15k or so just for the bodykit and f6 badge! this way I have more cash for mods too
  6. im very curious also, I've just bought a BF MKII ute `06 build (not sure what month ill let you know when I pick it up) and the seller assures me its the f6 bottom end. he even chucked on a f6 cooler and intake
  7. I used the hairdryer trick but used a spatula to scrape them off (plastic of course!) but this fishing line idea is great, I'll use it on my new ute I hopefully get tomorrow
  8. 94 ghia laser > 2001 AUII XR6 ute > 2003 BA XR6 TURBO UTE > 2006 BF MKII TURBO UTE I know whats next!
  9. you'd be looking at around $300 from any muffler shop I'd say mate (for made up pipes) or you could just cut out your muffler and weld 2 hotdogs in I did it a while ago and I think it cost me $300 for manta made twin pipes with hotdogs. just had a nicer deep note and burbled a bit, sounded good Scotty (bluute) has em now!
  10. congrats on the buy kael! is that that neo phoon (I saw it in the quokka)
  11. just bought one mate, but have all the paperwork and sh*t that go with buying private on finance, so I'll be lucky to get it this week (plus with xmas and all) its driving me nuts!
  12. no work for me, and no car, so I think I'll be on here for a bit. haha
  13. yep right spelling D, im bummed, I'm searching for another BF MKII in the meantime now, I can't go 3 weeks without a car
  14. spotted my ute at its new home, perth motorsport! now the owner of the ute I was planning on buying is in vic on holidays until jan 12 with his phone off. great no car!
  15. thanks mate, can't wait for rob to get his hands on it, haha ANYONE WITH A STOCK BOV AT ALL IM DESPERATE!
  16. just kidding mate BF MKII ute, ZF 6 speed auto
  17. yeah but im hoping I can grab one for free cause I left my wallet at work!! (or I can bank transfer anyone?) I gave mine to a forum member haha. yeah man found a pretty sweet Bogan special , 36k
  18. help!!! I need a STOCK BOV ASAP to chuck on my car that's leaving tomorrow arvo. any help will be greatly appreciated!!
  19. re: my post that dose pipes kill performance. I ran a dose pipe for a few days. car lagged like sh*t, overboosted, it sucks in all the hot as f*ck air from the engine bay. sure it sounds cool (for a while) but my car felt too laggy, and probably lost about 10rwkw EDIT: DOSE PIPE being a 90 degree bent pipe coming off the turbo with a pod on the end
  20. brand new 2008 tornado at lane ford for 39, I was going to look at it this arvo but I've gone something else now.
  21. thanks for the help bud, but I need any bov that vents to atmosphere
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