I feel ya man, my ute is lowered a bit "too low" to get around nicely, sure it looks nice though! awesome looking car mate, don't dig the flames on the other though
so to kill time waiting for my new T ute, I've been browsing carsales checking out some T's and I came across one where the standard screen inside (with the audio display and climate control etc) was changed to a colour screen (I think he had a dvd payer hooked up to it too) looks awesome! does anyone know how to do this, or even own this ute?
if you havent already looked man, nothing beats carsales.com.au theres always a heaps of turbos on there, dealer and private. I sold my ute, and bought a turbo ute from there!
after reading through this thread I was dredding calling around to insure my new T ute. called RAC (in perth) im 23, insured for $23,000 at $996.00! crazy considering I just sold my AU xr6 ute, at which I was paying $1100.oo with GIO
that's funny, I went to wangara on saturday looking for a turbo ute and the dude I was chatting with told me he just sold one the other week, 6 speed, in yellow! awesome looking ute, congrats!