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  1. hey everyone I have a 2004 ba xr6t stock I would like to know the best way on how to fix the low to midrange power?? (turbo lag?) ??? thanks guys Dave
  2. this didnt work for me it says target box not valid :( any ideas??
  3. I am still having trouble wiring up the 6 pin plug to the icc please help atm I have the cable off ebay vga to icc. I don't want to make a computer just want to get a mini mac and use it thanks
  4. hey I would just like to know do you have wiring diagrams of the cable that goes to the icc?? so you have you vga cable that comes in to your rgb converter and comes out as a 6 pin plug?? I would just like to know how you wired from the 6 pin plug to the icc?? thanks buddy
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