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About FPVF6S

  • Birthday 07/09/1977

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  • Interests
    Aviation, travelling
  1. Happy Birthday FPVF6S!

  2. Happy Birthday FPVF6S!

  3. Happy Birthday FPVF6S!

  4. Happy Birthday FPVF6S!

  5. Hi guys. FG 6speed Auto. Have noticed during 'perf' or manual mode, full throttle gear changes, 1st to 2nd, sometimes drops too many revs. Worst case redline to 3500rpm, 1st to 2nd. Any thoughts?? Is it this adapitive shift logic? Is this normal?
  6. Time will tell. A good service at regular intervals should keep it healthy.
  7. DASH is the meanest looking colour.......! A head turner everywhere.
  8. Found out from Ford/Dealer today that the bolts on the timing cover were too long. I had new shorter bolts installed today, block pressure tested and no problems.........so far...... That's good news GMH8R...I will monitor mine closely.
  9. Hi everyone. FG XR6T owner here. Just noticed oil leak from timing case. Very minor. Had it looked at by 2 dealers. One said they will re-torque the bolts and I said HELL NO.......! Other dealer said they will remove timing case and aquire correct length bolts. Very common on FG, but fixed very easily. I will update everone of the status and the outcome. Stay tuned. Ps. Hiro F6 is 'spot on' with his info and DO NOT let ford just retorque the bolts......!!
  10. Well done Phatal.......!!! I'll be mentioning that to Ford when I see them next. Did they have to disturb much??
  11. Just saw mine and its the bloody same.....!!!!! Drivers side a touch lower Ford must fix....! Keep us all updated and what the fix will be please.! Well spotted .!
  12. Hey Guys good news...!! Went back yesterday with an independent very proffessinal detailer and he said it's nothing compared to what he has seen. Very light swirl marks which will be removed, then paint cleaned and sealed. never to return again. . No clear coat damage ,nothing of what I thought. Ford are still responsible for the car as I have not driven it out of the showroom. I will post some before after pictures soon. ballbreaker you are spot on the techniuques in washing. that's what I do when I wash my other car.
  13. Thanks for the info fellas..I'm still in 2 minds. This has been the car of my dreams ever since the F6 came out, but I was waiting for the right one, then the r-spec came out and "bingo" I was in love..!!!! angel #3 I'm not sure if the swirl marks will always be there. XF falcon is true in saying that if its buffed out correctly by a very good detailer I should never see them ever again. it just looked like it came from a stupid cafe car wash or something. I feel so angry and upset. If the car dosent come back 110% they can keep it....!! Can you cut back the paint in a a car that new? Build date was 10/07
  14. yep I coudnt believe it.......I hope they dont damage the paint or do some deep cutting. What really is so fustrting that I wont know whether they have removed it or covered up the swirls like you said. Who knows..!! I've asked Dr Detail for a full polish/seal when and if I get it home. They have really burst my excitment bubble of driving away in a BRAND NEW CAR................!!!
  15. hi Guys. Went to pick up my new r spec (black) today and I was very dissapointed to see swirl marks all round.!!!! wtf...??? I told the dealer that I'm not picking it up unless all the marks are removed or I'm want my money back. I really snapped...!! they said it will get proffessionally detailed. I'm not convinced. what should I do???? how can this bloody happen??? where fords quality control gone????
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