Hey guys just after new years I will be looking at getting my BTR 4spd rebuilt to handle more power, can anyone recommend any places in sydney that can strengthen up a BTR with a few prices?
The front looks spot on, but I need a lil more in the rear, ive got BA ultra lows in the rear compressed 1.5inch but its still not tucking. but Im not running shortend shocks, could this be my problem?
Hey lads, its time 2 lower my T, she has 20s no and Id love her 2 tuck the rims a little bit So anyone with slammed suspension post up some pics + the specs
The time has come for me 2 get some rims I want everyone 2 post up pics of 20inch + rims on there cars no matter the brand etc + names and sizes, would like 2 suss out a few and see whats looking good
U will smash him, I know this for a fact I dont know why everyone is scared of AWD. lol on 14psi if everything is stock he will be hard up 2 make 200rwkw ive lost count how many rexs ive been up against from old 2 new. There a good car but not as scary as everyone makes them out 2 be.
Ive been chatting with a few lads about the sound differences between the 3.5 vs the dual 2.5 inch, has anyone heard the 2 systems side by side? if so which one sounded better?