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  1. thank you very much people I take it as a big honour when people say things like they dont usually like them but mine is different I think people get the point that I just wanted to build a tough car ..... as for the competition some cars came with drag slicks and front runners and drums of race fuel some of us just came with the one set of tyres and filled up at the servo...in the drag the xy wasnt the fastest the torrie was over the 1/4 mile and I was over the 1/2 mile anyway hope you all enjoyed the show and if you want I can post up my site links to the whole series
  2. hey guys I think you will find he was running 5-7 psi as he had the bleed valve off the wastegates and so it was running minimum boost on those wastegates which would be between 5-7psi ...I think he was just saying it was on 3 psi .......come on why bother with 3 psi and it wasnt a new motor it was a new setup and pretty much the first time its been out they were not even sure if it was going to make the show as it wasnt quite ready oh and mine is a series 8 lol hope you all enjoyed it
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