Hi all, Been a long time since I was here. Hoping for some help. Over the last 3 months my BAMkii XR6T 6spd manual has been shutting down for no reason. Seems to be whenever I travel anywhere over 100km's & the temperature is over 25degree's. Usually it is when I'm cruising on a highway in 6th gear. I loose all power, (not limp mode) & have to quickly find a spot to pull over. The engine idles, but if I push the accelerator lots of shuddering & eventually stalls. It has happened 6 times now & is today back at the dealers with them scratching their heads. They told me at first it had over rev errors on the cpu. To which I replied bulldust. Next couple of times in they told me they couldn't find any error codes. Then last time they told me they found a faulty temp gauge on the back of the head & replaced it. "Should be all fine now" they say each time they give it back to me. When it happens if I leave it to cool down for 5 to 10 min it then travels along with no prob for 5 or 10km with no prob then does it again. It's like its overheating, but the temp gauge isn't showing anything. I have had it towed to the dealers to be told by them nothing wrong :yuck2: It has 47,000km on it & is about 20months old. Any idea's anyone? I did a bit of a search but couldn't find anything. Oh & sorry if I put this in the wrong spot.