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About cvanxr

  • Birthday 25/01/1971

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  • Location
    Country NSW
  1. Happy Birthday cvanxr!

  2. Happy Birthday cvanxr!

  3. Happy Birthday cvanxr!

  4. Happy Birthday cvanxr!

  5. No that's the biggest problem. It is totally random & gives no warning when it happens. One minute just cruising along (cruise control off or on doesn't matter) next thing no power & you only notice by the tacho meter dropping revs. I have it back now & this is part of what the dealer emailed me ".....After two days of very intensive diagnosis and in consultation with the Ford motor Company we believe we have followed every instruction by them to trace every connection in the wiring loom and there was faults found that Ford believe could be causing the unit to fail. Unfortunately it is a trial and error situation, Ford do not believe the concern to be a CPU (computer management module)...." I now have my fingers crossed & will wait to see what happens.
  6. Thanks Skooby There is no problem starting the car after it happens, but unless left to cool off a bit it will idle, but no power & as soon as the accelerator is used it will get pretty shaky etc. etc. Who knows. Latest yesterday arvo was they were going through every connection in the engine bay to rule them out. They were also cooling & heating the pcm? (They said this bit was the only thing they can't look at as Ford doesn't let them?) to see if they could make the car do it for them.
  7. Hi all, Been a long time since I was here. Hoping for some help. Over the last 3 months my BAMkii XR6T 6spd manual has been shutting down for no reason. Seems to be whenever I travel anywhere over 100km's & the temperature is over 25degree's. Usually it is when I'm cruising on a highway in 6th gear. I loose all power, (not limp mode) & have to quickly find a spot to pull over. The engine idles, but if I push the accelerator lots of shuddering & eventually stalls. It has happened 6 times now & is today back at the dealers with them scratching their heads. They told me at first it had over rev errors on the cpu. To which I replied bulldust. Next couple of times in they told me they couldn't find any error codes. Then last time they told me they found a faulty temp gauge on the back of the head & replaced it. "Should be all fine now" they say each time they give it back to me. When it happens if I leave it to cool down for 5 to 10 min it then travels along with no prob for 5 or 10km with no prob then does it again. It's like its overheating, but the temp gauge isn't showing anything. I have had it towed to the dealers to be told by them nothing wrong :yuck2: It has 47,000km on it & is about 20months old. Any idea's anyone? I did a bit of a search but couldn't find anything. Oh & sorry if I put this in the wrong spot.
  8. cvanxr

    This Or That?

    Slow Beer or Spirits?
  9. Yay, my wife just won a radio competition in Wagga for $6,000 worth of kitchen appliances Now she just needs some cooking lessons :lol:
  10. cvanxr


    .....BOAGS used to be my favourite until we did the Cascade Brewery Tour and discovered that BOAGS is owned by the Yanks!!! ...... :o I love that beer, it can't be true.
  11. cvanxr

    Selling My T

    Take it to a dealer. Get a trade quote. This will give you a base to work from. Hey if the quote is ok, you have saved yourself some hassle. Not that it is likely to be.
  12. cvanxr

    X Box vs PS2

    I can't remember if I read this on the net or in Motor, but they were saying that they may have staged releases to add in multiplayer. They went on to say that this may not be far away as the Korean release may only need one game that includes multiplayer. The only thing I can see from my internet searches is that the Australian release date is 1st quarter 2005. I want it now. Xbox V PS2 I was looking into stuff yesterday trying to decide if I should buy and Xbox or update my computer. One thing I read I think via the link eatV8 provided was that Xbox2 is not far off. Maybe Jan/Feb 05. I have settled on upgrading my computer as I have a PS2 for my arcade stuff & the majority of games on Xbox are on PC as well. Maybe I will rethink it later next year, but then PS3 will be getting ready for release. Sounds like car upgrades, everytime you get the latest and greatest along comes Mark II, III, IV....
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