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Everything posted by sixappeal

  1. I'm working at fmg now soo my time can't be wasted when I'm home now lol seems soo precious haha aw :(
  2. 30th yew~ I work away now so cannot make those other dates :(
  3. Heya I need to find someone with an 06 bf f6 that has locking nuts on their rims to see if the tool you get from... ford to get the nut off has a code on the top of it that is 3B58. If that makes sense. kgo
  4. Hey gonz was a good cause, raised almost 2nahalf k :D I bailed at first meet to. To many cars + dicks = cops
  5. no need to pull the middle one out buddy
  6. Bahaha! Is that your new wifey? awesome and entertaining night enjoyed it for sure.
  7. Hey if you have a iphone download heytell works like a walky talky
  8. That's horrible! Sorry to hear Brendan so sad when you hear some ones life was taking away and due to someones stupid irresponsible actions I hope he necks himself from guilt.
  9. Why would I do that :( Keith doesn't know he thinks this might be it.. or maybe it's just a turbo leak
  10. Pineapples! haha you have lost it.. Luke is known never to come on cruises.. says yes keen then says no I'm making tomato sauce that weekend...
  11. That's a bit cute. btw hows your face still looking like a stroke victim?
  12. You saved it... Luke stop looking at my pins
  13. Last time I had trouble was about a year ago when I got a yellow.. My girl charm failed hard and I ended up calling them useless f*cks with nothing better to do then ruin some ones day :(
  14. Well it's pretty close Luke. eerily close
  15. Blue xr6 with illusion on the plates getting bent over by the cops in Freo
  16. Says you who always assumed I was a man?? aah I try do the ol works better on concrete
  17. Black for sureee!! haha I know :( these little legs are sh*t
  18. Bahaha don't just go throwing out my age I don't iron my face for a reason. Lol Luke!!
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